The Bachelor Recaps: He’s Not That Good On Paper

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

He’s Not That Good On Paper

He’s not that good on paper.

Yeah. That sentence is ridiculous. The phrase “he’s not that good” doesn’t even make sense when it comes to Brad Womack.

Unless, of course, it’s followed by: “He’s not that good covering up his hotness.”

Did you see the two second shower scene? Two words…GOOD LORD!

I’m just saying.


The following information you are about to read is of personal opinion. You probably aren’t even reading this because the simple disclaimer has been a part of my recap since the days I emailed this puppy to just a few of my closer friends. HA! Fooled you. You’ve skipped this witty banter and will not know what in the world your friends are talking about when they say, “Did you like the new disclaimer Lincee did?” However, if you or someone on your Facebook page happens to personally know, sort of know, know the brother/cousin of, thought you saw in the grocery store buying spaghetti O’s or have a Pilates instructor that looks exactly like one of the Bachelorettes on the show...none of this is personal and I'm sure they are all lovely people.

Jenni Couric Hometown Date
Wichita, Kansas

1. Why do we care?
The question I asked myself as Jenni tap dances (without tap shoes) on the stage at the Mary Jane Teall Theater…the exact same theater she won $50 from her first dancing competition

2. She needs to work on her self esteem issues.
The sarcastic Lincee coming out when Jenni tells Brad that dancing is her passion and she is really good at it.

3. We know you are faking it.
What we all thought when Jenni yelled, “This is embarrassing!” while dancing on national TV and hamming it up for the camera.

4. “She’s not a walking baby factory.”
Grandma Betty’s response to Brad telling the family he and his brothers are all ready to have families.

What I yelled at the camera when Mama Vicky started washing Brad’s hair at her salon. The blue towel wrapped around his noggin was a little femmy as well.

6. Look at me…I’m Sandra Dee!
The song that popped in my head when Sister Tiffany flat ironed Jen’s hair as they bonded over the fact that she’s falling in love with Danny Zuko.

7. HA!
Cracking up when Daddy Richard asks Brad if he has any goals. After beginning his memorized speech that our host Chris Harrison so thoughtfully prepared for him, Dad interrupts with, “You don’t have to tell me what they are…I just want to know she is taken care of.”

8. Uh-oh!
That gut feeling I’ve come to recognize as intuition…let the record show Brad is NOT sold on Jenni staying in Kansas to dance for Phoenix Suns. Even though he said he is willing to compromise and if it is true love, it will last a year. I’m personally not buying it.

9. I think 100 percent would have worked.
My reaction to Jenni telling Brad that if he picked her, she would be in the relationship a million percent. Heck…let’s throw in a bazillion, trillion plus infinity for good measure.

Sheena Hometown Date
Walnut Creek, California

1. She’s just a fetus.
What always comes to mind when Sheena’s age of 23 pops up under her name.

2. ME TOO!
My exclamation to the TV that Brad and I have the same zodiac sign.

3. A quizzical, “Hmmm.”
My reaction to Sheena’s Mom Bev telling Brad that the stars have lined up for him and her daughter.

4. Huh?
Again…Mom Bev talking about the Big Dipper and sitting in a Jacuzzi out back and how all of Sheena’s ancestors are looking down…and watching with celestial approval.

5. What the crap!?!
Here we have Bev again telling Brad…verbatim: “I know she’s the one, whether she’s your one or someone else’s one. There is no other one, because one is one. And I know she is THE ONE!”

6. [Giggling]
Kudos to the ABC Producers for inserting the random New Age plunky music in the background as Madam Bev continues to consult her crystals for further proof that Brad is THE ONE.

7. Oh dear.
Surprise, surprise, Madam Bev clues us in on another one of her famous discoveries: “When I saw your eyes, I saw them together.” Was she expecting the first Cyclops Bachelor?

8. Don’t go there…too late!
Sheena walks in the room and gives her Mom a certain look as if to say, “I told you not to talk about stars aligning.” Bev shrugs as if to say, “GUILTY!” and decides to dive into another topic. MARRIAGE! “We are ready to commit. I mean she is ready to commit. She is ready to be one man’s everything. Every Mom wants her daughter to be married. Cut to the chase…let’s get the ring…we’ve already got the flower girl and bridesmaids. I just see you guys together forever. It’s written…literally…in the stars. Orion to be exact.”

9. She’s done.
Sheena tells Brad that her family is so much of who she is. It was at this point that I knew Sheena was done. And there was no physical chemistry in his face or body language when they were in the hot tub directly under the Big Dipper. There were no bubbles in the hot tub either. Just pointing that out.

DeAHnna’s Hometown Date
Canton, Georgia

1. Purple crush pride foam finger
The gift I would…nay…WILL bring Brad when he visits Hallsville, Texas…home of the fighting Bobcats. DeAHnna brings him a bushel of peaches. So cliché.

2. She’s 25?
My reaction to DeAHnna’s Dad telling Brad that he has known his daughter for 25 years and can recognize a sparkle in her eyes. I had her at 28, 29, 30-years-old. Great. She’s a fetus too! I don’t see Brad marrying a fetus!

3. [teary]
I’m just that way, okay? I sort of teared up with DeAHnna pulls out a photo album that had pictures of her Mom. Brad loves that her Mom’s death has made DeAHnna a stronger woman.

4. [teary…again]
DeAHnna’s sister Christy telling her that their Mom is watching over her and proud…no matter what happens.

5. I was a swarthy 12-year-old with sideburns.
My favorite line from My Big Fat Greek Wedding that popped in my head when Brad compared DeAHnna’s family to the movie.

6. I love PaPoo and YaYa!
How cute were her grandparents?

7. OPAH!
Brad throwing back the alcohol with PaPoo and YaYa. Reminded me of my recent Ukrainian experience

8. She may go all the way.
Self explanatory.

Bettina’s Hometown Date
Washington, DC

1. Did we just return from a workout?
Why was Bettina wearing Pilates pants to meet the man of my dreams?

2. What an a$$.
My reaction to Bettina’s Dad asking about his future. Brad explains that he went to Southwest Texas State (I refuse to call it Texas State) but didn’t graduate. He then went into business for himself. Bettina’s Dad gives a grimace. Brad asks what brought their family to DC and Dad answers with a smug half-laugh, “I was offered a professorship.”

3. Seriously. He really is an a$$.
I received confirmation of my previous statement when Daddy Robert tells the camera, “It is a great disappointment that Brad isn’t educated.”

4. Wow. They are a perfect match.
Mother Anne has similar views as her pompous husband. “I don’t like that my step-daughter has hooked up with a guy who runs a bunch of bars.”

5. Oh I get it…
I assume that Daddy is disappointed that things didn’t work out with Bettina’s perfect Harvard first husband. He tells the camera, “This is definitely not the way I want her to meet a guy. Her first husband was wonderful and she’s not going to find any better.”

6. I think Bettina is brainwashed.
Bless her heart, I start to feel sorry for Bettina. She tells the camera that her Dad’s opinion means the world to her. He counters with: “I have three issues. Obviously, the bar issue. Education is a definite disappointment. And can you see yourself moving to Austin?”

7. Or she’s just on crack.
Brad tells Bettina that he felt judged during their parent visit. Brad: “I want to feel welcome in your family. I may not have education, but I’m sure not going to judge anybody.” Bettina: “I don’t look that great on paper either.”

It took me a few rewinds and careful lip reading to finally realize that is what she said. BAD MOVE BETTINA! What in the world?

8. Bettina is not THE ONE.
Even though she got a rose last night, I feel Bettina is not going to be THE ONE. Brad: “I’ve worked really hard and that is what defines me. I don’t like that I’m defending myself. I want to spend my life with somebody whether it looks good on paper or not.” Families are big with Brad. And I think they are a deal breaker.”

It’s easy for me to say that I knew Bettina would get a rose the day after the rose ceremony. But there was too much ABC “drama editing” and that typically means the Bachelorette stays.

Poor Sheena and her super fabulous earrings get the boot. She’s doing a lovely job of keeping it together as Brad leads her to the tiny wicker bench that is most definitely not made for two. She compliments him on looking good. He tells her to quit being so nice. He starts with his rehearsed soliloquy:

“I think you are so deserving of happiness in a perfect guy. I wish that I was that guy, I just don’t think I am.”

And out of NOWHERE, Sheena loses it with…I shutter to recall…ugly crying. You know what I’m talking about. Bless her heart. Sheena, the Princess of Power, clings to Brad’s neck for dear life and confesses that he is the first thing she thinks of in the morning and the last thing she thinks of when she goes to bed. She inhales deeply, trying to embrace his smell and forever remember the aroma.

Brad puts her in the limo and tells the camera that there was zero chemistry.

Who’s pumped about the exciting forgo dates in Cabo? SWEETNESS!

All about the shame, not the fame,


Anonymous said...

SNORT! Danny Zuko

SuzieQ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SuzieQ said...

Bettina's family may be the most stuck up, self-absorbed people I have ever witnessed. Hey, Bettina's dad, you know who else doesn't have a college degree? Bill Gates. He could buy and sell your professorship ass over and over. Douche. All that education obviously didn't teach you any class.

Anonymous said...

And exhale...I can finally focus! No more REFRESHING. Between Sheena's nut-nut mom and Bettina's a-hole family, he had a pretty tough choice. Gotta say though - I'm still pretty shocked. When the show is over and they reveal he is no longer seeing whoever it is he chooses, I think I am scheduling a field trip to 6th St...

Anonymous said...

Awesome recap once again! My favorite line from "hotter than crap Brad" was when the ABC intern was interviewing him re: his hometown date with Sheena, and he was describing her mom's bizzarro thoughts on Sheena being "THE ONE" and Brad's reaction, "What do you say to that?!? Ummm.....Okay?!?" LOVE THIS MAN!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have to wonder how daddy dearest feels about his Bettina now that he's seen his little girl on National TV. I'm betting she takes him up on the over night stay just to tick off Daddy Warbucks.

Anonymous said...

YEAH, 2:05!! Bettina doesn't deserve to be there...Any person, family, etc. who judges ANYONE for not having an 'education' clearly missed a couple lessons on life along the way. And the worst part? that Bettina was siding with them. Ridiculous! Brad is an absolute catch regardless of a finished college degree. Anyway, my favorite Lincee line- "What the crap!?!"- that was great. and I did NOT see the Sheena exit coming...anyone else tricked? I thought for sure it would be that horrible Bettina and her stupid judgmental family. And ONE more thing! I am curious, does anyone know WHY they got divorced? Her dad was on an awful high-horse about her ex being so great...if he is so great- why the (beep) is he an ex?!?!?!? Jeez...

Anonymous said... glad someone else noticed that Bettina was wearing Yoga pants on her date! Did her luggage get lost??

Anonymous said...

Bettina seems like she has some issues- Does anyone else think she has lost a lot of weight since the show started? I know she was already skinny- but she just looks really thin now.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else think that if Sheena hadn't come into the room when she did that her mom would have come on to our poor Brad.

Anonymous said...

I actually started liking Sheena's mom when they started their date (did Sheena call her and ask what color she was wearing so they could match?). However I believe she may have had a few too many glasses of wine...I recognize the rambling...I have seen it in myself on occassion. Clearly the wacky Mom didn't ruin it for Sheena cause I think Brad would have chosen her for family over PhD Dad. I too am not a big fan of Jenni...I was seriously cringing at her hometown date with the grumpy Gramma (I would have left her at the home for the afternoon) and the shampooing. I am blushing thinking about it. I feel badly that I am not cheering for anyone...I will watch this show just for Lincee's Recap.
You know, they should make a DVD compilation of previous seasons and include your recaps in a little book...I'd buy them!

Anonymous said...

this may be the first recap without a Jim Halpert face all season. i have to say i'm a bit saddened by that fact.

Unknown said...

Can someone explain the meaning of Bettina's dad saying that after her ex-husband, she will never find anyone better? How does this make sense, it sounds like the dad is criticizing his own daughter and that from now on she will have to settle. Does anyone know why they got divorced in the first place. It seems apparent that the dad is on the ex's side, very strange comment whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

**Sweetness** That was what I first thought when I saw Bettina’s home town date. She’s going home. With a jack-assy dad who looks like a fugly Clark Kent and two mothers who are so full of themselves (looks like Bet gets her horrible thin hair from her mamma) I figured for SURE she was gone. Well done ABC, well done.
Sheena has no chemistry, with that I’ll agree, but I see no sparks with Bet either. She’s too awkward and self conscious and BORING. I can’t stand the idea that she stayed. GREAT recap Lincee! Poor Sheena, I was so proud of her for keeping it together when she got dumped aaaaaaand then she hit the inevitable brick wall. I was embarrassed for her and the waterworks that ensued. Lincee, you hit it all…

Anonymous said...

bring back the Jim Halpert face!!
Love you Lincee

Anonymous said...

Brad is SO real. His comments were classic.

Anonymous said...

What I was thinking:

1. Grandmas CAN be obnoxious
2. It is possible to rope a constellation (did not know that).
3. Meeting new family + Many shots = OPA!!
4. Brad can take comfort in the fact that his possible future wife does not look that good on paper either.. Whew!
And most important (for me)...
5. It just wasn't the same :-(

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice that Sheena didn't have any tears in her eyes??

Litigious Mind said...

I just found your blog today and I LOVE it! I love that other people are as captivated by this show as I am.

-I think 100 percent would have worked.
I was thinking the exact same thing!

Anonymous said...

OMG - HELLO ON BETTINA'S OUTFIT..I THOUGHT THE SAME THING! I'm like..ugh couldn't do a little more looking in that closet of yours!!!

Another great cap as always!

Thanks for clearing up what Bettina said about the being on paper thing...b/c I only caught a look of confusion on Brad's face that read..then why the hell did you say that to me then! haha

He's so real its crazy!!! Luv it. I love how he stood his ground on being smart enough to know not to judge! HELLO!!!

I missed Jenni's date and Sheena's so thanks to your recap I can look out for the good points to laugh at!

Anonymous said...

I became so distracted by the scalp scrubbing that Jenni's mom gave Brad with the shampoo suds running down his shirt that I couldn't focus on the rest of Jenni's hometown date. I kept wondering if he had a headache????

Anonymous said...

Lincee thank you for the cyclops comment. You are hilarious!

Anonymous said...

He's not going to choose Bettina in the end, he just thinks she's hot and wants to hook up with her in Cabo. He probably knew from the hometown dates that he will not be choosing Sheena or Bettina in the end, but he had to pick 3 for Cabo. He had no sparks with Sheena, so why not have one last night with Betts and "lead her on" as her evil step-mother warned against?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice in the previews for next week Brad closing the shades to the room and seeing a lovely shot of him w/ no shirt on!?! man that was good lighting and angle...I want to freeze frame that image!!

Anonymous said...

I just have one thing to say to Bettina's family...your daughter CHOSE to go on this show and you knew what it entailed. So, don't fault Brad.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous 2:56 PM...Definitely pointed out to my sister last night that nary a single tear rolled down Sheena's cheek...

Anonymous said...

Bless Sheena's heart. I wonder what kind of conversations she had with her mom after watching that! It sounded to me like she'd had too much to drink. Sheena was a sweet girl and it ain't a bit right that Bettina is still around.

Anonymous said...

Love your's the ONLY reason (I'm serious) that I even watch this show. I laugh twice as hard when I read your blog than when I actually watch the show. Okay, but you missed one pretty funny part when Couric's dad did a toast to Jenni and her making the dance squad - I don't think he even mentioned ANYTHING about the impending relationship with hottie.

Anonymous said...

I think he decided to let Sheena go because he knew it would not go anywhere and he would rather lead Bettina on than Sheena...Also the hair washing was soooooo strange...I see DeAnna as the one he picks!

Anonymous said...

Just read your "I hate green beans" blog and I have to say I totally agree! Have you seen the new dish at Applebees that is deep fried green beans with ranch dip! I don't think even ranch can make that taste good!

Tam said...

Lincee! Wonderful post yet again! Loved it all! Hope to see you soon...miss you!

Tracy said...

I agree: it's coming down to DeAnna and Jenni, and I've thought so since near the beginning.

mzblongoria said...

#1-Someone please explain this one: if family is soooo important to him- why would you choose the chick with RUDE, you can only be educated family, over the the sweet girl with the fruit loop mom? At least she was entertaining- I mean Brad's face was priceless during the "THE ONE" talk.

#2- how come no one has pointed out that Brad was SWEATING through his shirt during the first few dates? I noticed it first when he was at the dinner table/hair salon on the Jenni date right when the big "you made the team" announcement was made. The second time was when he wore the long sleeve t-shirt to ride the boat with Sheena's family.
I must say- invest in some better deodorant or some Hanes undershirts!

#3 thank you thank you thank you Lincee for referring to it as Southwest Texas! As an alummni of SHSU- I was there when they tried to change our school to Texas State University at Huntville- Sam Houston- ARG!

#4- we all thought Sheena was the underdog- looks like its DeAnna- who I must admit- I like her now- she let her true colors show last night! Bravo for her.

Lastly- I think Jade was onto something when she said that Jenni was here to further her career... why else would she feel the need to DANCE on national TV? That was the moment I was expecting the Jim Halpert face.

Sorry so long- didn't get to comment last week!
See you in Cabo!

Anonymous said...

Bettina? WHY IS SHE STILL THERE?!? No wonder she's messed up. Her family is a bunch of nut jobs. And a-holes.

I am a man. A heterosexual man. And I love this Brad the Bachelor so much... hell, I'd marry him!!

How could those dillholes not? Oh, I forgot... they're from D.C.

And you're right Lincee. It'll always be Southwest Texas (1977's best party school ever)

Sorry. One more thing. I must say that upon seeing Sheena's exit interview, I think she's probably a really nice, fairly together chick. Even though her mom is (ahem) from Alpha Centauri.

Unknown said...

I think he let Sheena go to be nice to the sweet girl. He didn't want to lead her on by having one more date with her when he knew she wasn't going to be in the final 2.

My vote is for DD. She seems like the real deal.

Anonymous said...

I thought Sheena deserved kudos for leaving in a fairly classy way. She did not talk dirt about anybody, she seemed sweet and level headed. Especially since she is only 23. I think her mom was kidding and had too much wine. Hard to say with the edits.

As always, I wonder what we didn't see...what could Bettina have said to convince him that she should stay...?

Reese said...

Brad doesn't have to look good on paper. He looks good in the shower, on the beach, in the pool, in the shower, in a suit, in a towel, in the shower...

Unknown said...

Lincee, as usual you rock. Loved your observations. I can't help but like Jenni - however I do think she is here for more than our guy Brad. The dancing thing - once again - I mean, come on. Did we really have to sit thru that...again? They have obvious chemistry. As far as Sheena goes I think he kept her around because his brother liked her so much and he wanted to give her a shot. He wasn't feeling it - that was ovvious too. And her Mother was a whack job. I don't think she was joking at all - I think she had one to many Pina Coloda's. I actually started to like DeHAAANA last night. I couldn't stand her till then. She showed she actually could be somewhat nice. I guess she didn't have the competition last night. I thought her family was a hoot. And Bettina. Geez. There is just so much to say there..her family was a bunch of idiots. To say that our Hotter than Crap Brad was a disappointment? Was he kidding? He's a self made millionaire! How much do Professors make? Not to diss Professors, but you know what I mean... And then the way she acted afterward.. he should have walked away from that one. He deserves a hell of a lot better than that. I wouldn't match him up with any of these chicks. I'm with the girl that talked earlier about scheduling a trip to 6th street. Road trip anyone?

Kathleen said...

Interesting links from a poster at


Bettina's Wedding Announcement

I'm with y'all on the yoga pants. And it was not lost on me that Brad spouted the same line twice: "It's not often I meet a woman like (insert name here)."

Anonymous said...

can any of you seasoned viewers tell me if any of the bachelors EVER pick the ones that they give the expensive jewels? seems like a sure sign you're getting booted off the show.

the shampooing - no way! that was the worst!

Anonymous said...

p.s. 4:07 i noticed that too that Jenni's dad did NOT say anything positive to Brad just a congratulations to Jenni! hah

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should give Betinna's dad the benefit of the doubt. The ONLY things he knew about Brad were that he didn't finish college and he owned a bar. He didn't get to see the rest of Brad. I might be worried, too, if those were the only things I knew about the guy my daughter "loves." Yes, there are people out there with those qualities who are amazing. However, amazing might not be the first thought that comes to mind when you think of a college drop out and bar owner.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a great show!

Brad's face during the talk with Sheena's whack job mom was absolutely hilarious!! It was like 'Oh my gosh, ABC intern get me out of here now!!"

I can't believe that he kept Bettina around. Her family was heinous.

Anon 4:15- TGI Friday's has those green bean things too and actually they are REALLY good! Willie's Ice House has Fried Pickles and those are amazing too. I know, it sounds gross, but trust me they are awesome.

Great recap as always Lincee!


Anonymous said...

I know I'm in the minority here, but I thought it was cute that Jenni's mom washed Brad's hair. Personally I think she did it just to see how he would react to her, because from what I gathered I don't think she would take NO for an answer. As usual our guy Brad kept his poise despite the fact that he was in a crazy situation.

Good job ABC, on the editing. I really thought Sheena was going home right up until the rose ceremony. I agree with the others on the board, I think he let Sheena go because she is such a nice girl, and since he knows it's not going anywhere with Bettina, why not have his kicks while he can?

Now someone clarify for me, are they are going to have ONE date in Cabo next week, or THREE separate dates that are all in Cabo. Because you know they usually change locations for these dates.

Lincee, keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

DeAnna is my favorite! I hope he picks her...she reminds me Ashley Judd.

Megan said...

DeAHnna is totally going to win. However, I think Jenni is a big contender. I don't understand why there's such a fuss over the distance thing. She'll be in Arizona, that's not all that far from Texas. Can't our Brad foot a couple of plane tickets each month?

I loved Sheena's loopy mom!

Anonymous said...

Love the comment about Southwest Texas! I too went there (many moons ago) and also refuse to acknowledge the new name. Obviously, Brad was able to learn the value of a party and was able to parlay it into a lucrative career! I'm really not lovin' any of these women. Brad could do better.

Anonymous said...

I think it will come down to Jenni and DeAHnna. I've always liked Jenni, but I have to say that DD is growing on me now that she's decided to be a little nicer. Good job of editing ABC because I have no idea what's going to happen, aside from Bettina getting the boot next week! Did anyone else realize that Tessa was picked from the 2-on-1 date with Andy, and now DD's still around from this season's 2-on-1 date??? Coincidence???

Anonymous said...

The only reason ya'll think DD is nicer is because there weren't any girls around for her to be mean to. But truth be told its not a competition to win friends; its a competition to win the heart of HTC Brad and it did seem like we saw more of the real DD. I'm still rooting for Jenni (but dancing as much as she did was kind of weird) and Bettina's family was not fair to Brad.

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with the shampoo bowl? Do you people not know how good it feels to get your hair washed by someone else? Maybe it is just because I use to work in a salon, but it wasn't weird for me to watch at all...even my husband said, "Man, you need to do that for me". I think guys like it. It was a cute little service she did for him and being that it was her profession, I loved it. They also had much more humble boat to take him out on you know...I really like Jenni.
I can't stand DeAnna. Could she be any more irritating? Brad what are you thinking? I do have to hand it to her...her grandparents were wonderful...maybe brad will pick her, just to hang out with them again. Honestly, could she be any more full of herself and obnoxious? (Maybe I'm wrong and ABC just paints her that way, but she is horrible) No comment about Bitchina...Nuf said!

So I'm not sure if they are sold on each other, but the best choice in my opinion is Jenni. At least she is happy and smiles. Cute dance moves can't hurt, and what guy wouldn't want to travel around watching basketball games, and his hot girlfriend?

One last comment...Jenni's Grandma was a little nuts, but I think that her dad totally redeemed her when he warned Brad to just stay at arms length. So Cute!

Anonymous said...

Loved your post -- when I was watching the show last night I kept saying "I wonder if she will comment on that" and sure enough, you did!! Great Job!!

and God knows, you had a lot of material to work with! Geesh -- what a bunch of nuthead/goofy/stuckup parents. If I were Brad, I would have run screaming from a couple of those homes/beauty salons!! :)

anon 7:39 there will be 3 separate fantasy dates in Cabo next week.

Personally, it seems pretty obvious that he let Sheena go because she's, what, 11 years younger than he is???? He kept Bettina because he had to let Sheena go. She needs to be next, although I can't decide between her or Jenni who wants to dance, dance, dance.... He even said to her he was worried about the feeling fading during a long distance relationship. It's pretty obvious that he chooses DeAHNA. Her family seemed pretty normal and he fit in well with them.

Guess we'll all see in the next few weeks.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely abhor people who have guests in their home and don't treat them graciously. Bettina your parents may have a great education, but you know what they don't have? Class.

Anonymous said...

Lincee - hello, he's the "man of my dreams" and I'm older than you, so I get him! I wish I had been Jenny's Mom, damn he's hotter than crap.

Doesn't Bettina's dad look a hell of a lot like Stephen King? I think he's mad at Bettina for leaving her husband. And I bet she left him because he's a harvard type who her Dad adored because he had a ____ stuck up his a__.

That totally reminded me of the Mowana with Travis family hometown date where her Father was ruder than s__t. Mowana was as insecure and screwed up as Bettina. It must really suck to have totally judgemental parents with no sense of humour. I love you Mom and Dad!

Anonymous said...

I think Brad is a very smart guy. He's playing it like a pro. I also believe that after the unbelievably awful'date' with Bettina, he decided to make a plan...not to get Bettina as much as to get her parents. I would love to be a fly on the wall in Bettina's home next week when Bettina and Brad are in the room alone together and Brad closes the drapes. I really liked Jenni from the beginning. She said to Brad when he arrived that her home was too small for everyone so they are meeting at her mom's salon. I can understand that. I also think that Jenni's mom was trying to make Brad relax and to also try to do something nice for him. Jenni's dad said (without Brad or Jenni around) that if Brad made Jenni happy, that was all he cared about. He seemed to like Brad. The grandmother was like some other grandmothers. They believe they can get away with acting any way they want to because of their age and their 'wisdom.' Since we saw only a very small part of their meeting, she may have gotten very friendly with Brad or decided to keep quiet. Sheena's mom screwed it up for Sheena. Boy, she was a nut case. Now I think that DeAnna's family is the kind of family Brad is looking for. Her father is very down to earth, was very nice to Brad, as was DeAnna's step-mom. The whole family was the kind that I could put my arms around when I was with them. They were real. I think DeAnna's introduction of her mom to Brad was done so tastefully. Brad had to know hoe much DeAnna loved her. Brad seems to be a real family type of guy and it would definitely make a difference to him if he felt a natural bond with the parents, also.

Now I think it is going to be a very close race between Jenni (who he really enjoys being with) and DeAnna, who I think he is really, really seeing for the first time and likes what he sees.

Anonymous said...

it cracks me up that bettinas dad can judge a guy that is a very young, self-made millionaire and still say he's uneducated.

those are the kind of people who have a string of degrees across their wall....but zero common sense.

Anonymous said...

Look up the FORT (Fans of Reality TV). I think someone posted a link to it in last week's comments. There is a page of nothing but screencaps and believe me, there are plenty of great HTC Brad shirtless freeze framed for our viewing pleasure. Have fun in your search! It is well worth it!

Anonymous said...

i watched the abc national news tonight to see if there were any reports of sheena killing her mother after watching last nights episode.

Anonymous said...

i think jennis mom washed his hair to make herself feel comfortable. did you not notice that jenni prefaced him w/ the fact that they were meeting at her work b/c their house was too small. probably some insecurity there and she was doing something that was comfortable for her. no shame in that.

Anonymous said...

Many people would be trepidatious about entering a long term relationship with a man who owned a bar and kept late hours. I would not like to keep that schedule. Bettina's family values education. Everyone on this blog values the fact that Brad is rich and handsome. We live in a country that is fascinated by rich and good looking to the exclusion of all other qualities. Not everyone is so easily seduced.

Meet the Boyd's said...

Dude Sheena’s mom was a nut job. I think she was drunk. She slurred her words and was glassy eyed. Maybe she was in a celestial trance.

However I think she had the BEST single one liner in the show. While on the boat as "hotter than crap Brad" and the warrior princess climbed onto the under inflated raft you hear Bev off camera (holding the ridiculous orange flag) say… “Clear in the Rear”. I really thought that comment would make it into Lincee’s blog, because it reminded me of the dearly departed bleep bleep Hillary. I think she was also really clear about her rear.

And in regards to Bettina’s crazy snobbish family… I screamed at the TV. Open your eyes he’s hot! I really wanted Brad to say well the jokes on you “professor” because I’m a millionaire. I'm loaded with no degree you Yankee snob! Plus I have a smokin hot bod you a$$.

On a side note as an Austin resident thanks for keeping SWT alive. No Texas State nonsense allowed here.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have to say that Sheena's eyes were filled with tears. She kept blinking them back!

Just what is so scarey, Bettina? I think something was cut right there and I wish I knew what!!

My dad,(like DD's mom has passed) would have sat me down and dissed the pros and cons. (I wonder if ABC edited the pros?) I think a dad's job is to address concerns over a quick courtship, a relocation and possible many late hours.) Who wants to be home alone with kids and a hotter than crap absentee hubby at the bar or any business that takes a zillion hours a week?

My dad would have been courteous but blunt...(at least he was before he died!) At my wedding he said, "Are you happy? Cause if you're not, it is not too late to change your mind!"

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Bettina's dad said all those glowing things about her ex!

What is the story there? Did Bettina leave her phD wonder hubby to find some hotter than crap (non-boring) self made man???

Anonymous said...

I just have to say it...Brad aren't you on this tv show just to meet and judge 25 women and their families?? Find a sweet, smart, special, gorgeous, sexy, functional woman that has a great family?

Aren't we all judging everybody on the show? I'm just saying...

Anonymous said...

Great recap, as always!

I feel sorry for Bettina in a way because when this show is over... she's going to hear another earful from her Dad. Could he be any more judgmental of his daughter. She's falling in love with this guy and you tear him apart? Way to go Dad... the look on her face told me there were a lot of issues there.

I think he let Sheena go to save her... she was a sweet girl, but he saw it going no where. I truly believe he didn't want to hurt her. When he was saying goodbye, he sounded more like a big brother than a boyfriend to me.

Jenni... you dance girl! I'm sure it was edited this way, but it was pretty obvious that dancing was #1 on her list. Nothing wrong with that, but if Brad picks her someone should clock him over the head because she's made it clear that he is not the priority.

I haven't been a huge DD fan this season... but she grew on me a lot last night. She just seemed real and like the kind of woman who won't take any BS. Maybe thats why we're not hearing much about the "after"... no hints of a proposal or anything. Maybe thats because she didn't want to deal with the post romance BS and has already moved on! Just a theory....

Anonymous said...

What about Bettina's dad's striking resemblence to Stephen King?? Scary.

Also, off the subject...I have just seen my first 3 episodes of The Office (now that it is on TBS). And I HEART Jim Halpert. Can someone tell me if all of the episodes are that funny?

Anonymous said...

Yes, 8:02am, they are ALL they funny! :)

Anonymous said...

I would not want my daughter to be with a man who owned bars. Bettina's family is conservative. Brad was a complete stranger to them. They gave their honest opinions to the camera and Bettina. They didn't say those things to Brad directly.
I am glad my parents were on my side and only thought how my life would be with a potential mate. My parents didn't swoon over any guy I brought home and start saying weird stuff like "we are ready for a marriage." What is that about? She knows nothing about this man and is ready for her daughter to marry him. Come on. Sometimes it seems as if the parents on the home town dates are "selling" their daughters.

Anonymous said...

I think there is nothing wrong with owning bars, or bartending for that just needs to be a good match with Brad's intended! It is her parents job to remind her of those things that she might not be compatible with.

I agree with anon 9:23am, Bettina's parents made those comments to the camera crew and Bettina.

Come on Brad, what parent is not judging a guy their daughter brings home??? Their criteria is different and some trust their daughter's judgement more....

Anonymous said...

To Anon 9:23... but Brad knew what they were saying. He knew they didn't like him or accept his lifestyle. So they obviously said enough to him to make him uncomfortable.... especially that kitchen scene. I just felt for him when he was with the mothers.

BTW, how did Bettina get so pretty with them as her parents??

Anonymous said...

$5 - Jenni gets cut next week.

Anonymous said...'re on...Bettina is so gone next week.

Anonymous said...

It is not about having or not having a degree. That has absulutely nothing to do with character! And it is not about just being rich and handsome, (a plus, sure!)it is about being a good, hard-working loving person. AND this person just so happens to run a successful business! Who cares that it is a bar????? What is this, the 50s?

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that I think it was horrible for Bettina's father to say that she will never find anyone better than her ex-husband. Way to support your daughter..

Anonymous said...

I just want to say that you're a genius, Lincee. I have no doubt if you lived in Ohio, we'd be BFF!

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt in my mind that Sheena's Mom was drunk/high off her ASS. And, that she is ALWAYS like that. Also, what does she eat? One rice cake a day?

mzblongoria said...

I hate it when people call other people "uneducated" even though they've gone to school. He just didn't FINISH school- but he still received some of an education! Obviously it was enough for him to make himself into a self made MILLIONAIRE. To me, that really shows that you know what you're doing. And he doesn't just own a "bar" or a few "bars." Bettina's Daddy acts like its some type of slum- where as the places Womack's own are actually some of the better/nicer bars in Austin. Props to Brad when telling Daddo that yes- he has late hours b/c if you had built a business like this-you too would want to be there at the end of the day when the cash is transferred.
And one last rant- I seriously doubt he's there EVERY night late- hello- there are other owners- like Chad.

Kat said...

Um, I would only hope that my parents would react the same way that Bettina's did if I brought home a college drop out bar owner that I met through a reality tv show. Honestly, give them a break. Normal parents do not dream of their daughter's winning on a dating tv show. Of course they are going to be skeptical, regardless of what the guy looks like or how much money he has. Looks and money are not everything. Sheesh.

p.s. my last name actually is womack.

Anonymous said...

Karen - the road trippin' chick was me! I'm about to move back down to TX...a friend of mine actually introduced me to her friend Chad Womack (2 weeks before the show started) down at the Chuggin' Monkey last time I was in Austin. So, I have an "in" ;)

Anonymous said...

Hallsville?!?!?! I know right where that is! I have some friends from there that I met at TJC.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how many episodes are left? What happens on each episode?

Anonymous said...

to 12:56pm - in response to "Bettina's Daddy acts like its some type of slum- where as the places Womack's own are actually some of the better/nicer bars in Austin"

Obvs you've never been to Austin - I live there and can speak for all Austinites when I say that The Dizzy Rooster and The Chuggin' Monkey don't exactly classify as some of "Austin's nicer bars" - there is nothing nice or remotely upscale about them... in fact, I would venture to say most of the "millions" Womack made off those bars comes from underage drinkers with fake IDs downing jager-bombs and jello-shots with mommy and daddy's money. Not to hate on Brad, just tellin' it like it is.

Kat said...

the dizzy rooster is where all the real world: austin cast members drank underage and danced on the bar every night. did brad or chad ever appear in an episode? just wondering. i know that they had some sort of deal with mtv because it was the only bar in austin that served the under 21 cast members.

Anonymous said...

It's not even about him being "rich" or "handsome" etc....they were quite rude in how they come off to him. Fine have your reservations about the whole process but guess what he didn't pick your daughter to come on this show...SHE chose to come on there. For whatever reason he has still kept her around but that's not his fault she showed up. They were directing their disgust at the wrong person.

It's not like he's some ex-con or something and faking his way through. School isn't for everyone and just b/c you don't go to college and/or go and don't complete it doesn't make you less than someone else. And you certainly shouldn't think you are better than just b/c you finished college. No one has the right to judge anyone else when we all got things in our own glass castle than can be just as easily crushed w/ a brick thrown right through it.

And someone said earlier that Brad was on here judging 25 women etc....he's not judging. He's not going..oh you are no good you must leave. It's they are a nice person but we're not right for each other. BIG DIFFERENCE. He's not demeaning and dumbing down someone b/c they dont' fit some mole he expects...they are who they are and he's who he is...and not everyone fits together.

That's common sense which apparently Bettina's parents are lacking! No wonder she has no self-worth of herself.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with "mzblongoria" more on her last comment. You summed it up. And the last comment from "Katherine" sounds like someone from Bettina's family.

Kat said...

that's funny- because i am actually a womack.

Amber said...

Okay, all of you who are saying that your parents would have reservations about Brad, too.... I'm not so sure mine would be just super happy about him being a bar owner, but they would never, never treat him the way Bettina's family did. And just because the majority of the comments were made to the camera instead of to his face does not make them nice. Just the whole attitude of the visit was incredibly hostile, from being grilled about education to cornered in the kitchen. And if Bettina's moms are so worried about her getting strung along, that's an issue they need to take up with her.

Anonymous said...

honestly, if you can't find love on a game show where can you find love??

Anonymous said...

Just for fun I checked out the Chuggin Monkey website just now since theres talk about their bars being classy?? Well, now I am thinking that this bachelor deal isnt exactly hurting the bars business. Has anyone else thought maybe HE is on the show to promote himself, and/or the bars? Seems obvious to me after looking at the site. Its all bachelor, bachelor, bachelor. Maybe no one wins.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:46 - could probably crossed his mind on some level.

Beck said...

Whoa! It's getting a little heated in here!

I agree w/ leolak - fine, Bettina's dad can have his reservations, but jeez why be such an ASSHOLE about it!!!

mzblongoria said...

thank you leolak! And thanks anon 2:38 for the props.

Let me get something straight about 6th street. the womack bars are BETTER than MOST, but I'm not saying they're the HIGH dollar sippin on your scotch type places that obviously some adults go to.
I just meant in the grand scheme of bars on 6th Street- those were some that weren't- dirty and trashy. However- I haven't been to 6th street in years b/c I'm older now and don't particularly enjoy wandering around with 50,000 other drunk Longhorns, not to mention the rest of the people down there.

my parents would be skeptical of someone if you said- hi mom and dad, I'm bringing home a college drop out bar keep to marry. Well put it like that and what do you expect? But you say your bringing home a successful businessman, and they have different views- so wonder what miss BEttina told them before Brad got there!

I'm now agreeing with whoever said this before- after seeing her dad say that she'll never find anyone better than her ex (Cassidy) well- now she's just trying to piss off Prof Daddy.

Katherine- who cares if you're a "womack" there are lots in Texas. You must not be in their family or you'd be defending Brad- not bashing him and his business.

Anonymous said...

Anytime mzblongoria! Yeah I'm curious to know what was beind that breakup for him to be such a star in daddy's eyes! He obviously didn't think of his daughter that way or something.

Someone should tell pops we all put our pants on the leg at a time..and not all of us have a stick in the rear to contend with when we do!

Unknown said...'s hot in here! The long and short of it is Bettina's family was just plain rude. And maybe its the southern girl in me, but you DO NOT treat a guest in your home that way. Period. I understand a Dad grilling a prospective boyfriend for his daughter but he was just being an a-hole. I'm sorry. I totally agree with MZBLONGORIA - I would love to know how Hotter Than Crap Brad was described to them before he got there. There is just no excuse for the way that family behaved.

Anon 1:03 - when you get to Texas and want to head to just let me know!!!

Anonymous said...

OK, I think I've gone through all the comments, and not one mention of Bettina's moms taking the dog out! I think the way they picked up the dog like a baby to take it out maybe says a lot about the way Bettina's been babied during her life!

Even if Bett's parents said things directly to the camera, Brad obviously felt attacked. He said so we weren't just seeing things behind the scenes, he felt the bristles. They did not make their guest feel welcome...bottom line. Education does not equate to class, and class does not equate to yoga pants.

And by the way Brad - CLEAR THE TABLE too! Stepmom Anne obviously didn't take her etiquette education.

Anonymous said...

DD has an Uncle Poo-tart. heehee

Anonymous said...

I also agree with leolak and msblongoria! Couldn't have said it better!

Anonymous said...

Why the lack of tolerance HERE for people with different viewpoints? We're all pretty much in agreement that Bettina's family was rude--why is it OK to be rude here? I think Katherine makes some excellent points--God forbid we say anything negative about ol' Brad? I think he's fairly wooden, and says basically the same things to every girl. I think it's a measure of character to note that his bars tend to serve underage kids. Does that make it OK for Bettina's family to have been so condescending? HELL to the no! The worst part, I thought, were the bitchy Moms in the kitchen. I am not a huge Brad fan, but I wanted to rescue him from that little bit of Hell on Earth.

Anonymous said...

Miss karen & others wondering,

I seem to remember when Brad first met Bett's parents, the bitchier of the 2 moms said something like "we know your name and THAT'S IT." and she seemed pretty serious about it. Of course...they certainly didn't seem like jokesters, so I'd imagine that was the truth....Bett told them NOTHING.

rohanknitter said...

Ok, I've never understood why he's kept Bettina around and now I really don't get it, after her "on paper" comment (low blow!) and how her family acted. Maybe my dad wouldn't do backflips if I brought home a "bar owner" either, but he sure wouldn't be so obviously condecending,either.
And he would have better hair. (how could brad keep a straight face while looking at Bettina's father?)

And Sheena - don't bring any more guys home to mom.

Anonymous said...

It seems as though Daddy should take a look at his own daughter's poor choice of finding another husband via national television before judging others...

AND, as far as Brad is concerned, even if he WAS going on the show to promote his bars first and foremost and hoped to find a match-made-in-heaven by chance, he simply didn't need to possess an expensive marketing degree to be successful in life. Sorry, but Bettina is the real loser here - not Brad, Dad(e)!

Anonymous said...

Lincee, I love your Bachelor posts and am harrassing my friends by sending them links to it every every week.

Bettina's dad looks like Stephen King and is certainly uneducated in manners and hospitality.

My suggestion is that Brad pass on the remaining girls and be allowed to be the Bachelor for an entire new season!

Anonymous said...

Kristin, I am by no means thinking that Brad is the gift to all. I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion in how things went down. I'm just voicing mine with some humor to it and certainly hope that no one takes offense to anything I've said. I just have a dislike for people who try to be high and mighty thinking that anything seen in a bad light can't happen with their family or whatever. They were being tapped, and knew it so they can only use what they gave the producers to use.

I find it refreshing actually that there are different opinions on it b/c it all can be taken in so many ways. I just think they were a bit too frosty toward him for it. You can not agree and be cordial to the person...they were ready to hang him on a stake it seems.

I certainly have enjoyed the comments and like that every one is pretty much to each his own. Power to Common Sense!!! haha

Oh yeah take the dog out in the middle of a convo that you want to know more about the person but take out the dog...! ok!

Anonymous said...

As you say....get him out of the Hell on Earth kitchen....did anyone notice if he was sweating in there like he did on the other dates?!? Someone upthread mentioned that he was sweating up a storm...wonder if we could gage how hot he got in that room then!

I actually doubt he's stuck it out with whomever he chose b/c don't we usually hear some buzzing about stuff right around now? I watch too much reality tv! Lincee is the only reason to watch this show!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your recap. I was wondering if Jenni's mom noticed the hair on Brad's ear that Sheena was so fond of when she was shampooing his hair. Poor Sheena... if she and Brad had made it through to the end she could have connected the moles on his arms to make the constellations that shined down upon the happy couple.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:50 PM - LMAO!!! Too funny, never even thought of that!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:23 is me
I am a college graduate and intentionally dated only college educated men. I believe this is an individual decision. I would not be happy with a bar schedule. The lack of a formal education and late work hours might not bother another person. Bachelor Andy often remarked at how impressed he was when a woman had academic credentials and conventional work success. I also think Bettina's father was not happy with her decision to divorce husband#1. She told Brad during the gondola ride that she divorced because she wanted to feel more for her spouse. It sounds like she ended that marriage. Bettina's divorce is probably a fresh wound in that family

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for Bettina's website. If you click on her "about" section you'll notice a few grammatical errors!

Speaking of Bettina, did anyone else think it was annoying when her mom and stepmom interrupted Brad to take the pile of fluff out?

Anonymous said...

Yes! Was completely wondering what was up w/ the yoga pants and did anyone notice the wedgie that came with them? I agree that Deanna will go all the way. She's my fave so far.

Anonymous said...

I think Bettina's family were very upset with her going on the show at all... and this was their passive aggressive way of taking it out on her (although not all that passive). I think they knew nothing about Brad... and I'm guessing Bett wasn't allowed to communicate with them AT ALL before she got home... so they were pissed! They would have shot down anything she said about him. They would have found *something* wrong with him.

I said it before... poor Bettina. She's the real loser in all of this! But I think she's sticking around to the final 2.

Anonymous said...

here is a picture of phoenix suns dancers. is that perky little jenny doing her favorite thing dancing, dancing, dancing? it really looks like her.

mzblongoria said...

Couple of more things- then I'm finished with this week.

I think that Bettina's family would've been the same way toward a man with several degrees & an 8-5 job. They are obviously very hurt by the divorce- which seems like something Bettina did. Sounds like THEY wanted the marriage more than she did- so props to her for not staying in something to make her family happy.

The dog- not sure about any of you- but as a dog owner- when I'm in the middle of a conversation and my dog needs to go out- I continue talking and walk to the door and open it- I don't need to scoop the dog up (which why did the real mom pick it up when its stepmom's dog?) and TAKE it out. That seemed to me like they could care LESS what Brad was saying and they just walked out. The look on his face even showed that that was RUDE.

How does Bett know what Brad looks like on paper? She just knows what the show told her. I think he got rid of Sheena just b/c she was the good girl he didn't want to hurt her and I don't think he cares if he hurts Bettina now.

Anonymous said...

I'm chiming in on this one..but a college degree is just a piece of paper. It doesn't mean it is going to make you smarter or richer believe me..I'm not too smart and I have one. Some of the most wealthiest people don't have much of an education and don't have a college degree. So who cares!?! And do you honestly think people that Brad and whomever he choses are going to last long? I mean the Bachelor doesn't have a good wedding streak..just me.

Anonymous said...

It's been bugging me since Monday night, but I finally figured out who Bettina's father resembles: Stephen King! NO WONDER the home date was a nightmare!

Anonymous said...

Just in case anyone is still reading these this week. It doesn't take southern manners to know that Bettina's parents have no class. I grew up in Canada and in a million years, I would never treat anyone that rudely.

And you know what I have a bachelor's degree, but I know a few people who have educated themselves quite well without one. Is a college degree important? Yes, I think so. But is it the only way to a good education? No, just start reading voraciously and you will be just a smart as Bettina's father and hopefully a hell of alot more gracious.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:34,

I don't like Brad because he's rich and hot. I like Brat because he's genuine, well-mannered, ambitious and hotter than crap!

Anonymous said...

anon 9:50- absolutely hilarious comment about Sheena connecting the moles on his arm to make constellations!!! Way to add some comic relief in the middle of the 'arguing' blog comments. :)

Seriously...I think we all just need to lighten up a bit...

Anonymous said...

If anyone is still reading at this point,I think most of us can agree that Bettina's family was less than gracious. But I'm going to focus on the father here. Even if my father objected to Brad and the whole situation, he would at least have enough sense to realize this was a choice that I, his daughter made. Along that same line, my father would have also realized that it was his choice as to whether or not he wanted to be a part of this crazy experience called the Bachelor. Knowing my dad there's no way he ever would have agreed to appear on TV like that. Finally there's no way that my father would disrespect me so much on national TV as to talk about how great my ex-husband was. Maybe he would say things to my mother and others IN PRIVATE, but never would he publicly humiliate me like that.

Educated or not, there's no excuse for Bettina's dad not having his daughter's back.

Anonymous said...

Lincee - when is your birthday? Brad's is 11/10. I too, am a Scorpio. I think it is interesting most women here think he is hot. I think he is really a stiff. I find Al Gore infinitely more interesting than Brad. Not my flavor. parents wouldn't care about what my date does for a living. He could sweep parking lots or be an international diplomat. Who cares? I am more interested in personality and character.
I didn't think the shampooing of the hair strange. I love it at the salon when I get my hair washed.
I vote for Jenni, since I am not a big fan of DD, and I don't see any chemistry with Bettina.
I honestly think the Bachelor knows who he will pick in the first couple episodes, but plays along with the game while the ABC producers try to throw the viewers off.

Anonymous said...

It was the worst of times and the best of times meeting-the-fams I can think of "in All of Bachelor History!" Good gravy, it is worst batch of adult(??)parents possible(except D's), but that makes it pretty darned funny entertainment if you think about it...and very contrived editing by ABC.

P.S. Can't yall see he's got the big time hots for Bettina as well as Jenni..he keeps sayin'she looks drop dead gorgeous (admit it: she does have a good body)whilest oblivious to the ug stringy hair. NONE are good enough for our Brad!!! His body is A++, but more importantly: he's truly NICE..he always says the RIGHT things to the girls...great personality.

Anonymous said...

It was the Best of Times and the Worst of times "In All of Bachelor History." The Best in ridiculously funny entertainment yet the worst batch of "Adult" (??)family members ever. And....
please consider this, enemies of Bettina....we could get a big shock in the end: he keeps saying she looks "Drop-dead gorgeous". He is in Lust despite that stringy hair that is all pulled to the front. And so what if Dad is smart: she is a weak-willed ding-dong. Realize also Brad has no classy women left because he isn't "classy" either: he is "just" a down to earth warm and sincere guy with a big heart and A++ body. (Sigh)

Anonymous said...

bett's anorexic and her dad is a control freak who looks like stephen king. Notice her hair---typical anorexic!!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the link 10:11 AM


is that jenni dancing??? it does look like it- i cant tell for sure.

Anonymous said...

To peewee, you think Brad is stiff but you think Al Gore is sexy? I don't get that, but to each his own.

I am pulling for DD at this point. Something about Jenni bugs -- I think she is really phony and not nearly as hot as she thinks she is.

Anonymous said...

Ladies, here is a link to Jenni's page on the Phoenix Suns website. It appears she has made the move across the country quite a few times to dance for professional sports teams.

Anonymous said...

Another Jenni blog...

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 10:42...
I NEVER said Al Gore was sexy. I said he was more interesting to me than Brad. I wouldn't do either Al Gore OR Brad. EWww.
I was trying to say aspirin has more personality than Brad.
Doesn't mean I want to have sex with aspirin either. =)
What is with all the anonymous posters on this blog?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, if you read Jenni's Miami Heat blog, she is a TOTAL dork. Perfect parking? Making a stop at WALGREENS for eyelashes, hose and "snacks" WTH?

Note to self, NEVER write a personal diary entry on the internet...there is a reason that the diary I had when I was a child had a lock on it!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what happened to Russell, Jenni's 2005 boyfriend, who was so proud of her that she made the team?

Susan said...

Lincee! Love your blog! I swear, it's like you're channeling my thoughts. Hey, I went to the Phoenix Sunds game tonight & saw our little Jenni Couric shakin' her money maker. I tried to get a good picture, but she was cheering on the other side of the stadium. I did manage to snap a jumboton pic of her though. Let me know if you'd like it. :)

Anonymous said...

My fave part from the other Jenni blog - from the Suns - is that she stops for McDonalds Coke! Because McDonalds Coke is so different than Wendy's Coke....or Burger King Coke...

Now, I'll agree that fountain Coke is different than can Coke, but across different chains, come on, Jenni!

Anonymous said...

actually anon 9:25am, that is one thing I can be in complete agreement with Jenni. I ONLY like McDonalds coke, and there is a difference. (I know, it makes me sound crazy too!)

Anonymous said...

has anyone noticed that tonight's episode is only 45 min. long?!?!? What's up w/ that??? How are they going to squueze 3 fantasy dates into 45 min.? I feel a bit ripped off by ABC! I'm just sayin....

Anonymous said...

Okay, on Bettina's dad's webpage, it says he only has a Master's Degree. I thought he would at least have a Doctorate with all of that condescending talk!

Anonymous said...

I agree..1.75 hours for Dancing with the Stars and then a measly 45 mins for Bachelor. What a rip!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm suspicious about the 45 minute program -- I would be careful about believing that it's only 45 minutes, setting to record for that long, and then discovering that the last 15 minutes was in fact shown. In selected areas of the west coast we've been having problems with the scheduling. Tonight might be a night to watch "live" rather than try to record and watch later.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm about to say this, because she struck me as too aloof and into herself at the beginning of the season... but I think I am officially rooting for DeAHnna. Jenni's super-duper "watch me tap dance, aren't I cute?" enthusiasm makes me want to punch a wall, and Bettina's family is pretentious and awful. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

I noticed the grammatical errors on Bettina's website as well. Maybe papa should have proofread her site...

Unknown said...

What is the deal with Bettina's mother and stepmother? Something is really wrong with the relationship factor here. We have daddy who has some ivy stuck up his league, a mom who looks like three's a crowd and the pushy and perfect step mother with the perfect kitchen and dog who has only the least gracious things to say. Yuk! Bettina is a liability because of her harsh and unempathetic/pathetic family. Break away Bettina. Your family is stopping you from becoming who you should be

Unknown said...

What is the deal with Bettina's mother and stepmother? Something is really wrong with the relationship factor here. We have daddy who has some ivy stuck up his league, a mom who looks like three's a crowd and the pushy and perfect step mother with the perfect kitchen and dog who has only the least gracious things to say. Yuk! Bettina is a liability because of her harsh and unempathetic/pathetic family. Break away Bettina. Your family is stopping you from becoming who you should be

Anonymous said...

Please Please Please can someone translate what Bettina said in the closing credits when that lady was singing...
"That's so weird, because I was just saying that I really love ??? music"

Did she say 'that' music?

Anonymous said...

8:24 am edit:

The closing credits for the overnight date episode (sorry)

Anonymous said...

I think it was "I really love live music." And how awkward did they look during that whole scene?!

Anonymous said...

Please - Please tell me... does anyone know... why were the girls in the "scenes from next week" each standing on different sides at the "final rose ceremony"???... does that mean that DD gets the ring... her LEFT hand would have been the one closest to the camera... does it MEAN anything??? I'm dying to know...

Anonymous said...

Bettina's not the only one with typos. Papa has typos on his resume too - should be Provence not Province, France.

Anonymous said...

am I the only one that thought last night was the most boring overnight date episode??

Lincee, save us!

Anonymous said...

i really do think i am starting to like deahhna. i think she was just a little less willing to jump in head first and act like a complete idiot. she was a little more reserved at first. she also took the experience seriously. i think she is realistic and is approaching the experience as normally as she can. i really did not like her much at all, but after seeing her with her family and her loosening up and being more comfortable with brad i am warming up to her. i think she is a better fit for brad. she is confident and independent. she is not as clingy/needy as jenni and i dont see her as needing constant attention and reassurance like i think jenni would. plus jenni is just so darn annoying. "im so embarassed but im going to continue to dance like an idiot five year old while giggling and wearing six headbands" barf

Anonymous said...

What was up with the ridiculous "romantic" restaurant that Deanna got stuck with? I mean, weird little figurines that look like they are from a Tim Burton movie in the background equals romantic?????

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts after last nights rather hum drum fantasy suite show-

Anonymous said...

oops--didn't mean to submit without my "thoughts" okay I'm really not seeing Brad with either of these girls long term. I've read on various sites that Jenni was liked by most of the other girls and that she was very nurturing, made breakfast, etc however most of my impressions of her are somewhat immature, very needy of attention and center stage. What happens if she is picked up by the suns for another year after this one? Is this the last year she can dance for them? As far as Deanna, she is probably a nice girl, seems to have a lovely family, but it is hard to see from what ABC has shown us that they are a "match". There is something slightly cold about her to me. Also, she was not very nice in one of the earlier episodes when the girls were sitting around and ended up arguing. Jade was still around then and it I thought I saw a pretty ugly side to Deanna but I might have misinterpreted what I saw and I no longer have that episode. I agree that Bettina's family was disrespectful to Brad and their daughter. But I think if she and Brad had something very special, he would have found a way to deal with her family. I really didn't get her either. Anyway, it will be interesting to find out whether he is still with the woman he chose.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

anon 9.07
I'm so with ya!! I barely stayed awake through last night.

Good luck Lincee for this recap!

You are good stuff :)

Anonymous said...

refresh.... refresh....

Anonymous said...

I missed the show last night because I was working at the GARTH BROOKS concert!!!!!!!! (one concert down, 8 to go!)

Been "refreshing" all day for the recap.....

**Patiently taps fingers on desk...**

Michellyoh said...

man. . it's pretty sad when the previous night's episode is so bad that even Lincee has a problem finding words to cover it! You're letting us down ABC. . letting us down!!

Anonymous said...

i fell asleep during deanna's snooze of a date and missed the rose ceremony; i'm dying for a recap cos i still don't know who to left last night

Anonymous said...

3:04 -- I fell asleep, too! That was the most boring episode of the show EVER! Earlier in the day, I was complaining that ABC shaved 15 mins off the Bachelor. Now I'm glad it wasn't 15 minutes longer. . .

Do you have a guess as to who left?

SuzieQ said...


Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?!?!


Anonymous said...

Did anyone else like Bettina's dress at the rose ceremony? For the first time I thought she looked pretty. The lighting, dress, background really suited her.

Anonymous said...

To anon 11:47-

Those are figurines from Dias De Los Muertos - Day of the Dead. It sounds morbid but is is absolutely not. It's pretty cool...though, maybe not super romantic.

(You can google it)

Anonymous said...

i'm thinking jenni & bettina are left since they seemed to have the most chemistry. up until last night i was pulling for deanna but her answers seemed to scripted and emotionless...but agian that could all be in the editing... it is very hard to not look up who was booted

Anonymous said...

refresh... refresh.... try to stay calm.... breathe into a paper bag... refresh....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info anon 3:37. (this is anon 11:47)

I am so glad to find out those figurines have a purpose! I just thought it looked so strange considering that the other two ladies had such perfectly romantic locals!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info anon 3:37. (this is anon 11:47)

I am so glad to find out those figurines have a purpose! I just thought it looked so strange considering that the other two ladies had such perfectly romantic locals!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info anon 3:37. (this is anon 11:47)

I am so glad to find out those figurines have a purpose! I just thought it looked so strange considering that the other two ladies had such perfectly romantic locals!

Anonymous said...

why in the world did that just post three times? So sorry guys...

SuzieQ said...

I don't think I'm giving it away by saying it, but Jenni and Deanna are left. He told Bettina he felt there wasn't enough "substance."

Anonymous said...

What's with DD's eyes? The blinking? Drives me insane. I heard once that when people blink like that it means they're not telling the truth....

SuzieQ said...


Anon 3:55 PM, I was thinking the same thing!!! She crazy blinked whem seh was professing her love for him, and I thought to myself that I had heard you blink excessively when you're lying. So funny you noticed that too!

Anonymous said...

HEY - I would blink a lot too if I had bright lights in my face all the time! :-)

Anonymous said...


anxiously awaiting your briliance Lincee = )

mzblongoria said...

FYI 11:47 and anyone else wondering- I've been to Cabo 2 times in the last 2 years- no, not just cuz I love it- honeymoon and then my brother married there.
DeAnna's date took place at Mi Casa- which is a pretty good "it" restaurant down there- at least from what we were told. I ate there and liked it. Also- I think we ate at the restaurant where Bettina had her date- not 100% but it looked like it. It was great too. Jenni actually ate at a hotel- so she probably didn't get the "true" Cabo feel. I think Brad did that b/c he knew they'd be up in the room FAST! That is opinion of them- they have that "I want to rip your clothes off" everytime I see you kind of chemistry. read: Lust. I think after last night- it is very obvious he cares for DeAnna- that kiss in the pool was more than lust. Only thing I was sad to see was DeAnna looked pregnant during the rose ceremony. Maybe Bev from last season can loan her some Spanx...bless her heart! And what was up with Jenni's dress- did she make it herself (thanks Karen)!

Linceeeeeeeee where are you?

Anonymous said...

seriously Lincee I am having withdrawls!! I need a fix!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lincee is at the taping of next weeks "tell all" show???

Where you be Lincee???

Anonymous said... this is all we have to read until Lincee posts.....

Anonymous said...

Lincee, are you a part of the writers' strike too!?!??! come on girl! :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I loved Bettina's blue dress during the final rose ceremony in Cabo. Does anyone know where Bettina's dress is from?