The Bachelor Recaps: If a shark attacks you...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

If a shark attacks you...

Tuesday night, 7:00 p.m. CST

I've just received an email from Our Host Chris Harrison confirming that ABC will INDEED air a Women Tell All episode next Tuesday after the final rose on Monday. Andy, the one he chooses, the one he doesn't and all the crazies will be there with bells on. It's going to be wonderfully amazing!

I’m not going to lie…I thought Bevin was done last night. But the ABC trickeration continues to get the best of me and I am proud to announce that I haven’t a clue which gal will become Mrs. Dr. Lieutenant Andy Baldwin!


The following information you are about to read is of personal opinion. If this e-mail circulates to friends, family, enemies...that is your business. However, if you or someone in your address book happens to personally know, sort of know, know the brother/cousin of, thought you saw in the grocery store buying Spring Oreos and Spaghetti O’s or have a spin instructor that looks exactly like one of the Bachelorettes on the show...none of this is personal and I'm sure they are all lovely people.

Unfortunately, Andy was unable to ship “his” DeLorean or “his” yacht to Hawaii. After a quick surf, he jumps in his Jeep Wrangler and heads down to the Pearl Harbor Memorial.

Bevin arrives in a cute red tube top. Andy feels an electromagnetic current literally go through his body as he places an Aloha lei around her neck. He takes her to gaze over the USS Arizona below the Memorial and shows her the oil coming up to the surface…the black tears of Pearl Harbor. They begin a serious conversation about what it takes to be a Navy wife when suddenly, Andy feels a jolt.

At first he is confused in thinking that the electricity he literally feels for Bev has literally shocked him. But then he notices the ABC intern jumping up and down waving his arms and remembers he was given a beeper to remind him that TIME IS UP! He takes Bev by the arm. She gets the wrong idea and wraps her legs around his waist. He promises that he will see her soon. The ABC intern starts to hyperventilate because Bevin is about to ruin everything and his only job was to get her away from Andy after 22 minutes. He shoves her in the limo, runs back to Andy handing him a fresh flower lei, adjusts his hat, spit shines his shoes and performs a quick once over with a lint brush just as Danielle’s limo pulls up.


We learn that Dani’s grandmother was a nurse during Pearl Harbor. In a salute to Grandma, Dani is wearing a vintage blue and white dress from the 40s, complete with matching pearls and hair style. No earrings though, because people in the 40s didn’t have their ears pierced. They gaze over the USS Arizona and notice the black tears….again. Andy is in the middle of a monotone soliloquy about peace, hope, strength and leis when he feels another jolt. Remembering that it is only Bevin who provides literal voltage to his loins, he cuts the speech short, delivers Dani to the intern, returns to his post at the Pearl Harbor Memorial entrance, receives his third fresh flower lei and ponders what to say to Tess because the speech Chris Harrison wrote out for him is getting kind of old.

Tess arrives. Peace, strength, hope, black tears, yadda, yadda, yadda. He takes her to the edge of the Memorial and suggests that they toss their flowers over the edge in memory of those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor. Very sweet.

Enter random, faceless redhead little girl.

Andy offers some of his lei petals. She throws them overboard with reckless abandon. We hear a voiceover of Andy saying this is like foreshadowing of his wife with their little girl one day.

I couldn’t help but feel a little sad for Andy. If I had a hat, I’d tip it to you just as you saluted the USS Arizona when you left for your first fantasy date in Hawaii.

Date One

Which of these words was NOT used in describing Tessa during the zip line date?
A. Wonderful
B. Amazing
C. Tomboy
D. Hot

What activity was used as a metaphor for relationships?
A. Shaky bridge
B. Hawaiian happy hour
C. Rock/Paper/Scissors
D. The Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman, screaming, “I THINK TESSA IS WONDERFUL” as he zips through the canopy

How did YOU react when the triathlete imitated, what can only be described as a flailing guppy gasping for air (thanks Jill), when Tess asks what HE would do if attacked by a shark?
A. Stare blankly at the TV screen in awe and wonder
B. Lowly murmur to yourself, “noooooooooooooo
C. Hide behind the sofa cushion in sheer embarrassment for the Lieutenant
D. Pause. Rewind. Play. Pause. Rewind. Play. Pause. Rewind. Play.

If attacked by a shark, would you…
A. Take Andy’s advice and imitate a goldfish
B. Take Tess’ initial advice and punch the shark in the nose
C. Take Tess’ rocket science advice and swim the other way
D. Give the hang loose sign that Andy taught you and enjoy the ride

The MOST random thought that went through your head as Tess and Andy sat on the hammock at the beach
A. Why is he wearing a John Travolta outfit circa Saturday Night Fever?
B. Kudos to the ABC intern for making the sushi in the shape of a rose
C. Why the heck is he tapping all over her shoulders and chest?
D. Seriously? The chest tapping is still going on? Are they drunk?

True or False
The chachiest moment in the Forgo Suite is when Tess and Andy share a romantic rose petal/champagne bath in their bathing suits.

True or False
Andy didn’t have on a bathing suit in the tub.

Date Two

What animal was Danielle most excited about seeing on the boat
A. Dolphins
B. Whale
C. Andy
D. None of the above. Dani doesn’t get excited.

True or False
Dani held her boobs as she jumped in the ocean after Andy.

The soft core porn montage of Andy and Danielle grinding under water lasted
A. 3 minutes
B. 2 minutes
C. 1 minutes
D. 6 minutes if you watched it twice like I did

Underwater kissing scenes for TV
B. To be avoided at all costs. It’s just not pretty.

True or False
Andy jinxed Danielle’s future by arranging for a fortune teller to visit with them at dinner.

Date Three

What was your initial reaction of Bev and Andy’s date?
A. Nice shot of Bev’s crotch as she boards the kayak ABC cameraman.
B. Haven’t they already kayaked once together?
C. Why are they kayaking in four inches of water?
D. What dirty…dirty water.

What was your favorite part of the waterfall scene?
A. Candid shot of Bev’s stripper tat
B. Bev’s ill fitting bathing suit bottoms
C. Bev’s lack of ability to come up out of the water like a girl in order to ensure a smooth head of wet hair versus messed up boy hair
D. Secretly thinking that it would be wonderfully amazing if the good doctor got a penis fish!

What really went on behind the waterfall?
A. First base current
B. Second base electricity
C. Third base voltage
D. Electrocution

The following made me giggle at the luau
A. Andy’s straw in his coconut drink
B. Andy shaking his groove thing with the Hawaiian girls
C. Seeing under the fire twirler man’s skirt
D. Andy saying that he and Bevin had amazing chemistry that was hot

Before the rose ceremony, Andy confesses to the camera that he is confused. And when his big brain can’t handle any more stress, he and his muscles go jogging. His poor eight pack is worn out! But even this doesn’t help!

So he calls his friend Great Gatsby, fellow triathlete, to come help make heads or tails of this game we call The Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman.

Great Gatsby wants to know about the girls.

Tess is light-hearted, playful and smart.
Dani is solid and nurturing.
I have an electric chemistry current with Bevin, but she’s liberal.

The Great Gatsby, sensing a crisis, helps his friend, the only way he knows how.

“Who would you like to see at the end of the finish line at a triathlon?”

Yes. That is the true question.

He envisions Tessa with the random, faceless little redhead girl running to greet him at the finish line with open light-hearted arms and a sweet peck kiss.

He envisions Dani with a strong confident stride, embracing his waist with a look of peace and hope as she turns to wave to the cheering crowd.

He envisions Bev behind closed doors for a celebratory romp in the sack afterwards.

Rose Ceremony
To my surprise, Danielle is sent home. I admit. I was tricked! I bought the drama. CURSES TO THE EVIL EDITORS OF ABC!!!

Next week, we meet Andy’s Pennsylvania family. Both girls proclaim their love for our dear Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman.

If our conservative Andy picks liberal Bevin, I will be very surprised.

All about the shame, not the fame,



Megan said...

I actually took notes last night for this. Here's my semi-short/sweet interpretation of what I saw last night...

Day with Tessa: Andy pretends little girl is his. Paper, rock, scissors. "You first b/c you lost!" Zip line! Our relationship is like a bridge! Cartwheel! Powhana! Punch a shark in the face! Tessa's protecting herself..still. Tough questions ahead. "Oh my God we're on a hammock...under a tree!" Will you accept this sushi? Forgo card! "Say no more!"

Day with Danielle: Dolphins. Whales! Cheesy music. Dead boyfriend. Love Lifts Us Up. Procreation. Dead boyfriend. Psychic. Forgo card! Procreation. Loss.

Day with Bevin: "Ohmigod!" Cows. Kayak. Crotch shot. Electricity. "Holy cow!" Tats. Mild porn. Andy thinks about Tessa. Fire dancers! "Oh cool!" Electricity. Passion. Divorce, divorce, divorce. "I appreciate your words." Andy asks if she'd like to sleep with Chris Harrison, doh, him, via the forgo card. Bevin: "We're only talking tonight, no that strawberries and champagne?" Special.

Andy time: Jog. Definitely has weird abs. Help, Gatsby! Tessa has doubts. Danielle's boyfriend died. Gatsby is in love with Andy. Bevin's electric and divorced. "Whose at the finish line with your love child at the end of the triathlon?" Gatsby and Andy still clueless. Cheers.

Rose Ceremony: Chris Harrison shows women where to stand. One. By. One. Andy and women puke, but it's not aired. Two roses left, which means someone's getting booted! Bevin. Tessa! Danielle's boyfriend died. Chris Harrison is sorry. Andy thinks Danielle is a friend. Breaking up is hard to do, it's just like, really hard.

Off to Pennsylvania! "Awesome!"

Anonymous said...

great post Lincee. great episode last night. who names their child after a book? they're totally lovers. :)
bevin and andy kissing in the dirty, dirty water was about the grossest thing i've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

After Andy's date with Tessa, I have decided that I like Drunk Andy a little better than regular Andy. Man, that guy sure likes to stare at chests.

Anonymous said...

LOL over and over again! Excellent effort, Lincee! You definitely hit the highlights. I have to say that during Bevin's entire date, I kept cringing at that dirty water - so gross!
I guessed Dani was going home - the way he kept describing her was like describing a friend. Or, as my husband put it, the girl who is always the friend and doesn't know why she never becomes the girlfriend. The spark just wasn't there.
I kept giggling at the constant lei display. I mean, I realize we are in Hawaii, but do they need one in every scene?!

Anonymous said...

I love that you took notice of Bev coming up out of the water like a boy and messing up her hair! I said the exact same thing out loud to the tv!

Anonymous said...

The penis fish!!!!! I had never heard of such a thing up until about three months ago - first in reference to the guy that swam the Amazon (and didn't encounter the fish), its appearance on Grey's Anatomy, and now Lincee's blog. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice Bevin was without the shoulder tattoo while on the USS Arizona? The ABC intern must have worked very hard covering that up with makeup.

Anonymous said...

Cheesy bathtub scene for Tessa, cheesy psychic scene for Danielle, and cheesy backside scenes with Bevin -- enough already!

I'm sure Bevin is a nice lady, but somehow she's coming off as a tramp, and I don't think it's just editing by ABC.

And it WAS a surprise that Dani was sent home -- apart from having to listen to beating the dead boyfriend ad nauseum, Andy seemed enthusiastic.

Anonymous said...

Pet peeve #1:
girls who wear strapless tops and then keep pulling and tugging at them all the time.

Pet peeve #2:
the word "AWESOME".

Pet peeve #3:
the fact that all the girls act suprised when he pulls out the forgo card when we know they have all seen at least one season of the bachelor and know exactly what "that card" for Our Host Chris Harrison says.

Anonymous said...

Just once, when the forgo card comes out, I want one of the girls to say "This must be the forgo card from host Chris. Sure, I'll go to the fantasy suite with you".

What is going on with the horrible rose ceremony dresses? Last week and this week, most of the girls were wearing awful dresses. Did Bevin think she was going to a tea party?

Poor Danielle – she seems so nice, but she really needs to stop talking about the dead boyfriend. She seems so normal. Hopefully she will find electricity with an awesome guy.

I was tricked too. I can't believe Bevin is still standing. Wait tell Andy's parents check out the tats!

Can’t wait for the finale! Lancaster, PA here we come!

Anonymous said...

FYI, I did a little searching, and "Gatsby" isn't Andy's friend's real name...seems like a nickname the guy probably gave himself!!

Anonymous said...

Loved the multiple choice post- very clever!

Sad to say that all my ramblings about Danielle being the underdog and black horse were incorrect- well I'm mad! I liked her and thought she was the best for him- maybe not the most dramatic- but the best. She's probably the FIRST in the History of the bachelor not to sob uncontrollably, cuss, or say anything bad about the guy she just supposedly was in love with. If that doesn't clue you in to her true feelings... I don't know what does!

Not sure I really care if Like-Tessa will win or if Bevin will. My lovely husband pointed out a few things-
A) Rebel Bevin probably has ex hubby's name tatted on her body- somewhere.
B) Hope Andy doesn't pee in the water- good catch Lincee- Seriously- true Grey's Anatomy Fan!!

I totally thought that Andy and Tessa did NOT have on bathing suit bottoms in the tub. Why else would they walk in with robes on when all the other times there were hot tub scenes- there were no robes. She only had to have the top on to show that she had something on- it came off as soon as the cameras left.

Poor Danielle- she got sloppy seconds in the recycled fantasy suite. I noticed the fireplace was the same and that they hardly showed the rest of the room. It had to be the same one.

Next week should be interesting- what religion is Bevin?

**note** ABC 13 News in Houston had a behind the scenes on after the show. Our BFF Erica from last season was on there along with one of the barbie twins from Houston- must see!

Anonymous said...

If Tessa says, "" one more time, I'm going to stop watching the show. It is horrendous. Even though she appears to be an incredibly smart girl it makes her sound soo sooo dumb.

Dirty water, that's all about that. Ugh. I'd be pissed if that was my date. Nice shout out to the stripper tat. We all about lost it when it spanned to her back. Must have decided to get that about the time she married the 16 year old Jiffy Lube attendant.

Dani's face was priceless when the fortune teller (who used a deck of playing cards, not even Tarot cards) said she was still reeling over a serious loss. Duh. She hasn't stopped talking about her dead boyfriend since she got there.

I wish Bev and Andy would jump in the sack and get it over with. Love will lift us up where we belong song montage. Unbelieveably cheesy.

Andy is the cheesiest toolbag of a Bachelor since the show's inception. He's pretty to look at, most of the time, as long as he doesn't open his mouth. Good Lord!

Anonymous said...

There was so much cheesiness on last night's episode! I needed a bucket near the couch because I was gagging so often. Poor Andy is such a dork and it is only getting worse with each episode!
So funny about Bevin's hair in the water! It isn't hard to slick it back like all of us girls do when in the water! I am for Tessa all the way at this point.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice that at the (second and) final rose Chris did NOT come out to announce it as the final? A precedent is broken, at long last!

Anonymous said...

Great recap, thank you so much for being the best thing about Tuesday mornings!

Real quick- did anyone else notice how strange it was that ABC kept showing Tessa being all coy "I don't know" about the fantasy suite in the commercials and the 'after the break' spots, but then when the time came, there was no hesitation! Holy ABC editing!

Anonymous said...

whoever commented about the dressed in the rose ceremony- I agree-
WTF- the past seasons the girls are always dressed so great- did ABC fire their stylist?

Forgot to mention Bevin whipping around her hair like a guy. NO girl does that. That was just strange...
I thought that when I saw the previews.

Anonymous said...

I totally thought Bev was going home. Or maybe it was just wishful thinking, who knows. But Dani wasn't right for him either. My vote is for Tessa, has anyone else noticed that he kisses her non stop, about 100x more than the other girls? Humm.... I think there's something there. GREAT Recap Lincee, sooooo funny, especially the penis fish, thw second round to the hospital for the two of them would have been much more comical!

Anonymous said...

Loved the penis fish comment. Laughed hard remembering Grey's Anantomy.

Anonymous said...

Lincee - love the dynamic blog format!

Okay, here goes: It is my belief that Caveman has evolved from Cro-Magnon man to Keanu Reeves. Watching/listening to Andy is like watching a bad Keanu Reeves movie. His comments & reflections are ridiculously void of any kind of real emotion or thoughts. The ABC intern must be working overtime trying to come up with new prompts for Caveman/Keanu, because he SERIOUSLY needs some help. And Great Gatsby didn't add much to the conversation - further proof that this guy ain't swimming anywhere near the deep end of the pool. Sorry, i just don't have much to say about this episode b/c they didn't contribute much.

Anonymous said...

Bevin was raised in the Baha'i faith.

This, if nothing else, is the death knell for Bevin, the tattooed lady. Not going over very well in the heart of Amish country, me-thinks.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I hope Lincee can comment on Andy's dancing eyebrows and deep forehead lines. He will need Botox soon.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else in Houston see ABC 13’s “Secrets of The Bachelor”? They showed clips of Houston bachelorettes (Amber, Susan - one of Hef’s wives, and Eric from last season) talking about what goes on behind the scenes.

In a nutshell:
- booze is everywhere and highly encouraged – shots, champagne, fruity drinks with straws
- this season’s first rose ceremony started at 4pm and ended at 7am, which explains why the girls were so emotional – they were tired and drunk
- the producers “suggest” a lot of things, and the girls do it because it makes for better TV
- the producers suggested Susan sing “Happy Birthday” to Andy like Marilyn Monroe, but she refused

Anonymous said...

yes meredith- i saw it. I thought it was a good insight- way to bring back BFF Erica!!!

They also said that the producers told Steph Kansas to do the flips and that the pushups- all of that was staged.

The booze is there to cause drama- which it always does with the ones who choose to just get drunk!

Anonymous said...

(cont'd)...almost forgot some things!

A big THANK YOU goes out to Chris for not playing Captain Obvious - way to go!

What was with Caveman's/Keanu's reaction to the fantasy sweet the two subsequent trips? They all looked exactly the same and his reaction was severely manufactured - killing me!

I, too, admit that ABC's editing fooled me. I was kind of surprised about letting Dani go, but I pick with my heart and thoughts, and Caveman picks with his "instincts", which is probably all he's got.

I'm guessing Tess gets the final rose.

Julie said...

I loved the multiple choice - great addition to the recap and definitely a new "near and dear" to our hearts like your top 10! Also loved the penis fish comment....I've been wondering when you'd throw in the Grey's reference and that was classic!

In regards to the actual show, I was very sad that Danielle went home. I'm not crazy about Tessa or Bevin so I'm only watching next week's finale for your recap!

Anonymous said...

I seriously hope Tessa does not get the last rose. She is way too cool for that dork. In watching last night I honestly felt like I could see O&G and Bevster together for years.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the comments yet so if this has been mentioned, forgive me. But Danielle calling her loss of her boyfriend the "ultimate loss" mulitple times really ticked me off!!! What about people that lose their spouses after years of marriage? Or what about people who have lost their children?? That to me would be much more of the ultimate loss than your boyfriend dying.

I mean, I feel very badly for her for her loss, but Danielle, that is not the "ultimate loss."

Anonymous said...

"I'm sure Bevin is a nice lady, but somehow she's coming off as a tramp, and I don't think it's just editing by ABC."

Yeah, perhaps it was her tramp stamp showing.

Anonymous said...

What about the cartwheel that Andy did on his date with Tessa?!? That was hilarious! No guys do cartwheels!

Anonymous said...

I heard this on the radio in Lubbock , TX last week....

May 9, 2007 -- SPOILER alert! If you don't want to know who wins this season of "The Bachelor," stop right now. Naval officer Andy Baldwin has narrowed the field of women down to three lucky ladies, but one contestant, Tessa, 26, a social worker from San Francisco, had a few drinks the other night and spilled the beans to a Page Six spy. Tessa admitted she has won the competition and Baldwin's heart. "Apparently he proposes and she declines, but they are still very much together." A rep for the show didn't return calls.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering if this bothered anyone else. Danielle said, more than once, that she suffered "the ultimate loss." I am in no way diminishing her pain or her loss, but as a mother I would say that the loss of a child would qualify more than the loss of a college boyfriend. Or even a spouse of many many years. I hope I don't sound callous, I just thought that was an odd choice of words.

I am disappointed at how this season turned out, especially considering how excited I was after the first episode. I think Andy is probably very nice but, seriously, he is such a dork! I hope -- for Bevin and Tessa's sake -- that he is less dorky when the cameras aren't around. I think Bevin is going to get the final rose. She is the only one to get open-mouthed kisses!

Bryson's Mom said...

For a second there I thought ABC was gonna pull a fast one on us and have Andy give Great Gatsby the final rose! Close one!

Anonymous said...

Lincee, my very favourite comment -the penis fish (nice!)

I vote electrocution behind the waterfall.

Mzblongoria, nice comment about Bevin and the hair whipping. She said she doesn't have hips. Was Bevin once a man???

What religion was Bevin? I vote a cult. But which weird cult? There are many.

Gatsby seemed quite gay to me. Plus he gave himself the nickname Gatsby. Who does that?

Anonymous said...

I'm delurking to compliment you on your best recap EVER, Lincee! You had great material to work with and made the most of the opportunity. Can't wait to read next week!

Anonymous said...

yeah!! the cartwheel! almost as bad as the straw....

Anonymous said...

Lincee-love the recap as always

I never realized until last night that Tessa has no ass at all. I just don't like her. I am actually rootin for Bev. I know she can be a little weird sometimes, but so is Andy. GO BEV!!

P.S. I am glad that I am not the only one that thinks Gatsby is gay!!!

Mimi said...

...Still laughing at the VIPenis.

great recap! I have to read it again.

Anonymous said...

penis fish - loved it.

ok, did anybody else notice how annoying Bev was in that hat?? She couldn't even see - she looked ridiculous!!

I'm sorry, but I really cannot comprehend how ANYBODY could think Bev would be good for anybody!! She has ISSUES! major ones. She can't think for herself. She only agrees with whatever Andy says. She just wants to find "somebody" -"somebody" LIKE Andy - not Andy - she wants a nice guy - she doesn't care who it is.

I really really really don't like her.

Anonymous said...

Andy was on The Jimmy Kimmel show and he said that he IS engaged... so that means that the page 6 rumor going around is false. (at least the part about him proposing to Tessa and her saying no).

My vote is for Tessa.

Anonymous said...

Okay, thanks to the person who linked me to the Bahai website. I now know why Bevin is so utterly screwed up. A cult would of been better than new age. "Daily star of divine bounty..." what is this sh..? Enough, to put the parents over the edge and down the river. I can't wait till next Monday.

I apologize to all the new agers or bahaiers who I have now offended. Go Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice how abnormally large Andy's feet were?!?!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice how abnormally large Andy's feet were?!?!

Anonymous said...

I feel the need to show Andy the scene from A Little Mermaid when Sebastian the crab is telling Ariel "You've got to pooker up your lips, like dis..." He never puckers when he kisses!! Its maddening...

Whoever mentioned in previous posts that tats don't look classy, ever! Completely agree and I thought of you this weekend while I was at a wedding in which the maid of honor had a nice little slut sticker showing. Classy... real classy...

Lincee, I died laughing every time I heard "Love lift us up" I never noticed the song until I started reading your blogs. Excellent work as always, you should be paid to do this!!

Crazyisa said...

That was a great recap as usual Lincee. You are wonderful!
I think that thye should hire you as a "spy" in th enext season of the Bachelor.

I think that he is going to pick Tessa. He was making such a big deal about Bevin being divorced. Which century is this? Come on now!

Anonymous said...

Andy's decision was made the minute Dani put on the pink 'Members Only' jacket. Who else saw that hideous thing!?

I'm so excited that I'm the first to post on that. Everyone always beats my observations by the time I log on!

Anonymous said...

ABC just announced their fall schedule and the Bachelor is on this coming fall again! YAY!

Anonymous said...

I think that when Danielle was talking experiencing the "ultimate loss" she was talking about relationships and not about loss in general. They were talking about love and loss and she said she experienced the ultimate loss - meaning death - as opposed to a break-up.

Love the recap Lincee -

Anonymous said...

OK, Bev has stick-straight hair in the forego suite. HOWEVER, in the interview afterward, she's in the same red dress with wavy hair. Steamy, sweaty SEX hair. SLUT!

Anonymous said...

Okay - the whole first 10 minutes with the triple trips to the Memorial I kept thinking Andy was saying... "Now stop me if you've heard this before..." :) HA! How DID he keep them all straight!?!?! :)

Anonymous said...

I think people who try and do their own re-cap on the comments page will never measure up to Lincee and we are not here to read other re-caps. Please start your own blog.

Anonymous said...

I had forgotten until you mentioned it 1:36 but yes, Andy's feet were HUGE. I don't know if it was just the shoes or what but they looked like skiis.

Anonymous said...

Even that nasty water was no match for Bev's helmet hair. It looked disgusting. And those skanky tattoos, and her talking about their "passion" - where's a bucket... Ugh.

Then Danielle said "oh my god" about a million times. She seemed tacky on this episode.

The only real option is Tessa, but all he does is chicken-peck kiss her over and over. Kinda weird.

Anonymous said...

I know who wins ... my sister has a friend who did a triathalon and saw Andy there competing ... his "fiancee" was waiting for him at the finish line.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:20 - in the ABC contract, the couple cannot see each other until the final show has aired... they only get to talk on the phone, and if they do see each other, it is not at a triatholon in front of a gazillion people. Nice Try

Anonymous said...

doesn't that break their 5 million dollar contracts? Those two are a going to be poor.

I hope it was Tessa :)

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see how gross Andy's feet were? Ewwwww! He should have had a pedi to go with his mani!

Anonymous said...

This was my favorite recap of the season! Great writing, Lincee!

I love how the ABC intern is a guy this season....Lincee doesn't conform to the Bachelor's way of doing things the same way again, and again, and again!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that, while Andy is CONSTANTLY kissing Tessa...she is never the one to initiate the kissing? She always seems to be pulling back...moving away or starts talking so the kissing will stop. Weird for someone who claims to be "falling in love" with someone.

Anonymous said...

Andy is an officer (possibly a lifelong career) in the US military. Raised in Amish country. Two STRONG indications of his conservative nature and beliefs (not to mention his own comment on the difference between himself and "wild radical" Bevin while speaking with Gatsby). I realize tattoos are so commonplace on women now that it's no longer the sign of a slut. Andy's sexual attraction to Bevin is just that, and that's the card she plays with him, just as Tessa played the hard to get card. Thing is, Andy is conservative, his life is conservative, and his future is likely to be conservative. Bevin doesn't fit that, and the sex card will only carry her so far -- every long-married person can attest to that.

Anonymous said...

That multiple choice format was great, and VERY funny.
Andy tells Gatsby (love the name) that Tessa is smart, but really, how smart can she be if she doesn't know that scissors beats paper?
I was rooting for Danielle but she must have said "Oh my God" about 20 times. In my book that is worse than being a b'hai.
Don't like Bevin, but now I'm thinking she and Andy are made for each other. Both kind of skanky (especially their feet).
Love the recap and look forward to reading it!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone count how many times Danielle said "Oh my God" on her date?

Bevin and the hat - she looked like a boy.

Tessa and Andy laughing about the "rose" he offered her over dinner - my favorite scene yet, they were so cute and funny and real in that scene.

I do hope that Danielle finds a nice guy. She seemed truly sad. I think Andy might have let the wrong girl go even though I'm a Tessa fan.

Although, as a Tessa fan, I really don't want her ending up with Andy. I think she deserves much better than Andy. But maybe she truly is falling for him. She did seem to initiate kisses a lot more this week. I guess I'll have to wait another week.

Anonymous said...

I can only assume that all the women know what they're in for when they pack their bags and journey off to find their one true love. I keep wondering how the girl who is eventually chosen feels, week after week, watching Andy share spit, disappear into the Forgo Suite and profess his feelings for the other girls.

It seems like it would be hard to watch!

Anonymous said...

You're correct, Anon 2:33. Years ago my father asked my fiance if he liked me. Fiance said "I love her." Father said, no, I asked you if you liked her. Fiance, wanting to get it right, said "I don't understand your point sir." Father said, "It's fine for you to love her, but there comes a time, maybe in the middle of the night, when you'll need to like her more than you love her, and if you don't, that night and many others will seem cold and long." We're going on 30 years now, and nothing either of us learned or were told about marriage has been more true.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laughs Lincee.....

I agree with who ever spoke about the pink Member's Only jacket..saw it and knew Dani was a goner. Sweet girl, but needs to move on after the boyfriend's sad.

It is unbelievable to me how many people like Tessa. I am just floored. She speaks in some weird whisper and barely acts like she likes Andy. I am thinking some good editing is going on because I don't get what the big deal is with her. She acts like a good buddy, not a candidate for a wife.

The fact that Bevin is of the Baha'i faith shouldn't be criticized until you know about it. I don't practice it, but I can't comment. I have not a clue what it entails. Sometimes when we don't know what things are the easiest thing to do is pass judgement. Not everyone in the world practices Christianity.

The comments about Bevin's tattoos being slutty as well make me laugh. Can we really assume she is a complete tramp because she has a tattoo or two or three?

Could be ABC up to their old tricks, but it looks like Bevin is the chosen one to me!

Anonymous said...

I am surprised nobody has mentioned all the hair on Andys neck while they were on the AZ. Can't he even get his neck shaved before 3 overnight dates! Rewind it and check it out! Yuck! Maybe Tessa could have done it for him in the bath...

To Lincee.. my husband read your blog for the first time today and was cracking up! (this IS your best yet btw) I had left it on the screen and he stopped to read! Now he understands why I sit here for an hour every tues! Keep up the great posts!

ONE MORE WEEK TO GO! Then BUH BYE Bevin! ( I have a hunch he picks her tho.. cant wait for the parents reaction! )

Anonymous said...

Nice to know that you are a Grey;s Anatomy fan as well!!!Love ya, Lincee.

Anonymous said...

Penis boyfriend said that last night!

Anonymous said...

Eww I saw his out of control neck hair too and it was disgusting. That is one of my pet peeves!

Anonymous said...

I am really going to miss Chris Harrison next week. He is just hilarious.

Anonymous said...

Someone on TWOP had a link to Gatsby's website, and his wikipedia listing. That's not his real name, and he's really successful.

I thought Andy referring to Tessa as his girlfriend to the little girl was very telling, and very, very sweet.

Megan, your summary made me laugh, thanks for sharing it too!!

Anonymous said...

I just went to the bahai link provided somewhere in this comments section and it is funny to me. The whole faith is based upon what the complete Christian bible, created in the fourth century and still in use today, states will happen at the end times. The whole world will become on faith, one race, live in harmony, etc. The man who started the religion sometime in the 1800's sounds to me like he was a very Godly man who was spreading the gospel like we are all instructed to do and once he passed away, people took it upon themselves to invent a religion based on him! It sounds like an interesting faith, but lacking so much of what God has is my soap box....

I like Tessa, but she isn't that into Andy, in my opinion. I like Bevin, but she is way to liberal for Andy. I think he should have chose Danielle. And I'm not really a Danielle fan, I just thought she was more suited for him. He's sweet, cute and a complete dork with a wonderful compasionate side. What more could a girl want?

Anonymous said...

I cannot get over how Andy kisses with his nose schmooshed against the other nose ... it's so irritating.

I think Bevin's Baha'i background might be a grain of sand in Andy's shorts ... not that he's all that spiritual considering he was okay having a Fortune Teller on one of his dates. Oh brother.

At Pearl Harbor I just wish they had both picked up that little girl and thrown her. Alas, all we got was Andy's lamo comment.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2.34 - I counted 18 "Oh my God's" from Danielle. I was thinking this girl needs to expand her vocab!! Glad you noticed as well :)

Lincee, great recap as always, and great comments everyone, keeps the bachelor going all week for me!

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:05 PM

Lay off Danielle. She is only 25 and maybe losing her boyfriend is the ultimate loss to her. Everyone has a different idea of what the ultimate loss is and as you grow up that can change. I think waking up in bed next to someone you love dead is quite a loss no matter if you are married or not.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:34 - Tessa and Andy weren't "real", they were drunkity-drunk-drunk.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:09 PM

Bev's dress was not the same one. It was the same color but a different neckline. The one she wore on the date had spaghetti straps and the one in the comments portion was a halter with a twisted strap. I rewound many times last night because I thought the same thing.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that nobody has pointed out that Andy: OAAG has the same exact problem as President Bush -- they keep talking and making up awkward lines when they should make use of a period. Or an exclamation point. Or anything... just STOP TALKING.

Anonymous said...

OMG, have you guys read this. Lincee, say it isn't so...

Anonymous said...


Can we pick multiple answers? On the question about the shark I actually did 3 of the 4:

A. Stare blankly at the TV screen in awe and wonder
B. Lowly murmur to yourself, “noooooooooooooo”


D. Pause. Rewind. Play. Pause. Rewind. Play. Pause. Rewind. Play.

I think my exact words at this scene were "oh no you didn't, oh no you didn't Tess." I love this show, low brow but high-larious :)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Lincee, as always.

Here are my answers to the multiple choice test. I was working out at the time, so I may be wrong on several.

Date One:
B & D - and laugh till my stomach hurts

Date Two:
D - Bow chica bow wow...

Date Three:

Just so y'all know, it is not the best idea to be lifting weights and laughing at the same time.

ABC did some tricky tricky editing this week. I seriously thought Tessa was going to welsh on the fantasy suite. BTW, whenever the forgo card comes out, I'm always suprised as to why the girls seem so shocked it's there. It's on every season.

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys, for some reason, I can't post the entire wesite address. here is what the article says:

I don’t watch “The Bachelor” on ABC and haven’t for some time, but I got a pretty juicy e-mail today from a guy who says he works in the media industry and knows bachelor Andy and his best friend “Gatsby.” I guess The Bachelor acts like a general doofus on the show, using over-the-top language and trying to come off as a Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure type. He’s not, according to this source, and is actually a very intelligent strategic guy who is well known by his friends for pulling stunts like this.

What’s more is that in last night’s episode he brought a “friend” he called Gatsby on to the show to help him decide between the final two women. The source says that Gatsby is an entrepreneur and triathelete named Mitch Thrower. He founded the La Jolla Holding group, which runs Triathelete magazine and He is also a lecturer at The University of San Diego in the MBA program.

When this guy watched The Bachelor for the first time last night, he was floored to see his old friends taking the decision to choose a mate so seriously, and knowing these two conniving womanizers, he says they were surely laughing behind the scenes.

Andy and “Gatsby” aka Mitch are probably going to come out and admit this prank to the world once the Bachelor has wrapped, the source speculates, and he thinks that they’ll publish a book and make some money off the experience:

Since I have not followed the course of the season I cannot verify how “Andy” has handled himself in the rest of the season, but from what I saw, he is almost mocking the show.

He used the words awesome and amazing and incredible almost every other word. The Andrew I knew was extremely well spoken and very strategic. He would not speak with this cadence.

So when the producers of ABC send his friend over to help him make “the most difficult decision of his life”, I saw the flash to his best friend who called himself “Gatsby”

I laughed hysterically because the only Gatsby is that of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book, and this Gatsby on the Bachelor is none other than my old buddy Mr. Mitch Thrower of the La Jolla Holding group and and a lecturer at University of San Diego for the MBA program.

I used to hang with Mitch in my triatholon day about 5 years ago back when we ran in the same LA/ Sand Diego athletes circle. Mitch and I did some business together, and I happened to know that the Great Gatsby is his favorite litearary character.

Mitch is a total smooth talker, and can appear very earnest, but he is the slickest charmer one would ever meet. What I knew of the bachelor who they call “andy” on the show is that he was a mini mitch in training. These are the kind of guys that get off on pulling the wool over people’s eyes in very subtle ways.

The fact that ABC let him on as Gatsby shows they did not do any fact checking,a nd they are completely and my guess, blissfully unaware that “Andy” is playing up this character on the show.

ITs the kind of frat boy like situation where they will all go back and laugh about the stunt they pulled off on America. Seeing Mitch portray himself on camera as Gatsby, I could see the repartee between him and Andy, and knowing them the way I do, it was clear that they were despearately trying not to keep straight faces.

So I guess the original story in my opinion would be that Gatsby is a fake, and they are making a mockery of ABC who did not know his name was Gatsby.

I have seen a couple reality show talent contracts, and if you are not the main star you just have to fill out a waiver etc.. and depending on the situation you can get a minimum appearance fee etc..

My guess is that Andrew and Mitch concocted for Gatsby to come on for free, that way they would not have to verify his employment information etc.. and my guess is that they did not pay for Mitch to come on (he is an extremely wealthy guy and he is often in Hawaii training for the Ironman. He also publishes a triathele’s magazine, is an author and runs the european division of, along with being a venture capitalist and playboy) so they would not have thought to verify his name and information…

I am also venturing to guess that they had Mitch come on as Gatsby as an inside joke to their family and friends so that Andrew can look like he has the upper hand on the situation, and in case there was any embarassment they show that they outsmarted ABC. Mitch loves the Hollywood world, and he would think there was a way to use the visibility from teh show to promote a book for Andy etc… and my guess is that he would be his backer. That part is only a guess.

[Received via e-mail from source]

He goes on to say that it looked like these guys were just barely holding back the laughs, and that they’re “two of the most self-absorbed womanizers I have ever known.”

By Mitch Thrower coming on the bachelor as Andrew’s “ANdy’s” longtime best friend and them calling him Gatsby would put ABC in a bad position no matter which way you look at it. And”Gatsby” aka Mitch Thrower, was one of the major features in last night’s show. They did not show any backstory on Gatsby and “Andy”, but they had them hanging out in Hawaii talking in the hotel back and forth about the serious decision about which girl to chose… Andy’s amazing awesome feelings for these three “Incredible” women… it seemed like they were holding the laughs back to me because I have hung out with these two in social settings. Mitch can act with the best of them, but he is a businessman and Iron Man. Both of these guys in real life are two of the most self-absorbed womanizers I have ever known.

It’s probably true that “Gatsby” is this guy Mitch Thrower. I found his blog, and he’s got an entry about the Triathelete Bachelor Andy. He also has a profile up on, and it says Mitch Thrower aka Gatsby.

At first I wasn’t sure I would run this story, because who watches this show anymore? A few days ago I had a link to spoilers to the show on They wrote “2001 called. It wants one of its popular TV shows back.”

If these guys pulled the wool over on producers eyes and are going to write a tell-all on it, at least it will drum up some interest in this tired old franchise. Let me know if you watch this show and have any insight into the situation.

Anonymous said...

I really don't get why all of you like Tessa. She doesn't seem to like Andy too much. Andy should be with someone that at least likes him. At least Bevin shows interest in him and i think they actually make a good couple.

If he picks Tessa, she is gonna dump him right after. Bevin i think would stick with him. (Even though none of these couples stay together anyway, so what does it matter.)

Anonymous said...

Haven't read all the comments yet, so I apologize in advance if I reiterate something that's already been stated. Just a few things:

On the multiple choice, Lincee, you forgot e. all of the above

And did anyone notice how much difficulty the ladies were having on the grass? Anyone who's worn heels on soft turf knows those spiky heels just poke right through. I thought it was funny to watch them trying to maneuver with a semblance of grace.

Thank you for mentioning the guy hair toss. Seriously, what girl does that? She looked ridiculous.

I think that it will be Tessa, but the more I watch her, the more annoyed she makes me. She says "like" all the time, and sounds so stupid.

Someone pointed this out a couple shows ago, but Andy again said, "Tessa, will you please accept this rose". And I emphasize "please"; he did not say "please" to Bev.

I think Andy is doing a pretty good job of keeping us all guessing. I wonder how his lady-love is taking seeing him gush about the others.

And ENOUGH with the lame tight-lipped kisses! I am mortified for Lt. OG (officer/gentleman)

That's all.

Anonymous said...

anon 2:24 - eennnhhh! wrong answer - they've all (the past couples)gone on secret dates between the show filming and the actual airing of the episodes ... you must not be a true fan if you didn't know that. and there weren't a gazillion people at the triathalon ... just a few thousand. she was trying to be incognito but was found out. we'll probably all be reading about it in the rags before long. and e! online had a story on "them" as well. since when is the "ABC contract" available for public viewing?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...I just about passed out from laughing so hard. What girl over the age of 25 doesn't know the importance of a swim suit with GOOD rear coverage - besides Pamela Anderson?

Anonymous said...

If Tessa DID tell the spy she wins, isn't that in violation of her ABC contract and won't she be removed from planet Earth in the next two to three minutes and all of her wages garnished for the rest of her life?

Anonymous said...

If that article is true, it would be so incredibly awesome (as said like OAAG)!

What a great scam to pull...however it's probably not true.

Anonymous said...

Was Tessa wearing the same dress that the slutty "first impression rose" girl wore to meet Andy?

Anonymous said...

Check out Gatsby & Andy:

Anonymous said...

Baha'i developed off a break-off of Islam. It is not accepted by Muslims due to the obvious break from their teaching and the fact that they name the founder as a "prophet" in higher regard than Muhammed.

We don't know much about Andy's or Tessa's religious beliefs but most people do gravitate to people who have similar belief systems. I will say that just because Bevin was "raised in the Baha'i faith" does not mean that she is of that faith. Regardless, if Andy does not have Faith of his own, it will matter less.

Bevin is from Seattle (looks like East of Seattle in the falls area) where many less known belief systems thrive. The Seattle area is very liberal and has large communities of less known groups including Baha'i, Wicken etc.

I was pleasantly suprised with the Danielle boot. I ran a count of her "oh my God" useage and it rated even higher than Tessa's "like" useage. Maybe with some training, Tessa's speech patterns could be retrained?

Anonymous said...

Race results for the triathlon Andy was in last weekend.

Anonymous said...

Can we say CONSERVATIVE? Andy is the kind of guy that will never allow independence in his wife. He will be the one gently prying the second cocktail from her hand, grabbing a purse left on the couch at a friend's party because it "might get stolen" and expecting her to stay home to raise the kids...

His useless, passionless muttering and waxing poetic on things profound and minutely romantic can hardly pass as remotely sensible or coherent in any way.

Danielle narrowly escaped as far as I am concerned!

Couple of observations:

1. Did anyone else find it awkward that Andy made each girl read the identical "for go" card followed by a "well what do you say"?

2. Each time Andy entered the fantasuite, he acted surprised and awestruck, like a little boy who found out what his birthday gift is in advance and then feigns shock and pleaure?

3. Wasn't it uncomfortable when Andy felt compelled to give Danielle a detailed explanation for eliminating her when she really didn't seem to be all that interested? She just very nicely told him he deserved a great woman. Her reaction in the limo was equally dignified while he just acted like a little hurt puppy. Were his tears and remorseful commentary proof that he made the incorrect decision?

And finally, could last evening have been more redundant, redundant, redundant? From the lei's, to repeated Andyisms, to the same cards, dinner setting, fantasuite, yahoo's, OMG's, and "likes"?

My vote is free Tessa for a real man and give Bevin her idea of a real man. Perhaps he could perform laser erasure on the tattoos, convert her to Luthernism and all would be well? And as he does seem to be most attracted to the needy, this would be a match made in heaven or shall I say Bevin...

Anonymous said...

While I also thought Andy's identification of Tessa as his "girlfriend" at the AZ site was both sweet and significant, my favorite "real" moment last night came on the rope suspension bridge when Tessa looked over her shoulder and said something like,"So, Andy, are you saying this is a metaphor for our relationship?" (or maybe it was "future").

It was smart (can you imagine Bev asking that question?), funny, totally spontaneous, and teasing but not mocking. I loved it.

If Andy ends up with this quietly classy gal: a) he'll never stop being amazed at his good luck; and b) doctor or no doctor, he'll always know he "married up."

Fortunately, it seems like Tessa has a good heart, so I can't see her ever playing that card.

SuzieQ said...

Just once I want a bachelorette to look at the bachelor and say, "did you really just say that?" Who can stand that much cheese?!?!

And please tell me why Andy kept saying how "awesome" or "amazing" it was to be on the beach. YOU LIVE IN HAWAII. THIS SHOULDN'T BE UNSUAL FOR YOU.

Argh! I hope Tessa loses so she can be the next bachelorette. That would be fun.

And I really don't think Bevin's that attractive, adn he just kept saying how gorgeous she was. Really?


Anonymous said...

Hey annon 2:40


Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice the luau dancer that was an old fat white guy in hawaiian print boxer shorts? And they were watching him jump around like they were in awe. haha.

Anonymous said...

I don't buy that article about the show being fake. And I read somewhere that he really goes by Gatsby, as it was a nickname from childhood. Nice try for a C-list Web site trying to drum up some hits...

Anonymous said...

Lincee, you're adorable! My best friend sent me the link to this blog a couple of weeks ago, and it's been the highlight of my Tuesday morning ever since!

A few observations:

~ For the sake of sanitation, please, oh please, tell me they didn't reuse the "fantasy suite" all three times! And don't even try to tell me that the ladies were as chipper as can be about being methodically shuffled through Andy-gigolo's magical harem of semi-televised booty. Can we say genital herpes anyone?

~ On that same note, was Bevin at all miffed that they saved her overnight date for last? (possibly because she already seemed kinda grotty?)

~ I'm no expert on psychics, but do they frequently perform readings with hotel gift shop playing cards?

~ Romantic as it seems in the movies, it can't be all that sexy to make out under a freezing cold, (obviously somewhat dirty), waterfall on top of a bunch of slimy rocks with a camera crew lurking in the bushes. That must have been SOME electricity keeping them warm.

~ ABC intern, as crazy as needy-Bevin may seem, have a little mercy on her next time and throw a souvenir sarong in her general direction before she shows her butt-ulite to half the English speaking world!

~ Yes, Danielle totally held onto those boobs for dear life as she lept gracefully from the catamaran.

~ Obviously, we now know that being in the Navy, graduating from med school, and even being a 12-pack bearing tri-athlete does not necessarily mean you can dance. At all.

~ I honestly thought Andy and Gatsby might end their little chat with a tender embrace. Mr. Fitzgerald seemed ever-so-slightly jealous of our bachelorettes if you ask me...

~ We also now know that to make any important life decision, it's absolutely ESSENTIAL to oil up your chest and sit pensively in a very scenic location. I don't know, maybe the reflection of UV rays shooting off your pectorals brings a certain amount of insight.

Anonymous said...

Two things:

1. ABC really screwed with us in the coming up clips where they show Tessa saying "I don't know" as if she's saying that to the offer of the fantasy suite. She doesn't say that there and as a matter of fact, they never show her saying that at the table. Not sure why she said it and why they wouldn't put it in the show in actual context.

2. When Andy says to Bevin "Our own private Laua (I can't spell this word), are you kidding me?" - why did he ask her as if she'd planned it for him and then later he says he wanted to show her what a real Laua was like?? That made no sense to me whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice that in 'next week's previews' of the final rose ceremony O&G was kissing Bevin, while he was just hugging Tessa ? If he was booting Bevin he wouldn't have kissed her...

Anonymous said...

Host Chris,
Pay Lincee.
We wouldn't watch this cheeseball show if it wasn't for her wittiness.
Make is so Captain Obvious!
Work your magic.
Lincee's bloggers

Anonymous said...

I just found you today and have now realized that my life has been incomplete up until this point!

I have spent my whole day in front of this computer catching up on your posts and laughing until my face hurt.

Although I live very close to where Bev grew up...I am very embarrassed for her whiney self.
I am hoping for Tess!

Well you have yourself another fan and admirer for not only you but for most of the people who comment here as thier posts were as amusing as your blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:40pm

"Anyone else notice that in 'next week's previews' of the final rose ceremony O&G was kissing Bevin, while he was just hugging Tessa ? If he was booting Bevin he wouldn't have kissed her..."

Silly Anon 5:40pm. Is this your first Bachelor season?? Have you any idea how ABC screws with viewers' heads??

Bless your heart.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:32- I totally agree!! I remember thinking "Isn't that a white guy?!"

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:32 - ABC gotcha! It's entirely possible he's kissing Bevin hello, at her arrival at the final rose ceremony. ABC spends big money to mess with our heads!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice while they were being filmed on the memorial last night that someone was standing to the left of the camera (with the camera being to the left of Andy) and the back of that person's head (presumably a Bachelor staffer) kept appearing briefly at the left edge of the picture? It happened a couple of times -- reminded me of paparazzi photos when the photographers fight to get closer with no one blocking the shot!

Anonymous said...

The Navy wife stuff is total bs. Andy is not a man who stays in the Navy. He said he has one more year to go. Besides, true Naval officers would never have a wife who was on The Bachelor. They are much too sexist. (From an third generation Naval Academy family member.)

But Andy is not USNA material anyway.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Lincee! The Women Tell All is actually happening?! Sweet! I'd like to think its all because of your blog and us avid readers. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, I can't imagine what that crazy beyatch from Kansas will have to say. And Sluttanie!

C$ said...

Lincee, so glad you acknowledged the "Stayin' Alive"-like white jacket, black shirt combo. All we needed was Andy walking up to Tessa with two paint cans and a funky beat.

I would have paid real money if during the psychic reading Andy would have said the following two things:

1. When the "reader" asked if there were any questions, Andy says: "I'm sorry were Jacks or Dueces wild?"

2. At some point after most of the cards are laid down, Andy says: "Hey, did you just hit on a straight flush on the river? Awesome!"

Gatsby. Gastby! Gatsby? How could he not refer to Andy as "Old Sport" at least a few times?

When I saw Tessa's dress at the rose ceremony all I could think of was that the skirt portion hung loose like sleeve of wizard.

Me-thinks Bevin could findeth herselfth branded with a hex mark in Amish Country cometh the morn.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how incredibly excited I am to read your blog after TWTA!!!

I've never watched a Bachelor season all the way through so I'm a TWTA virgin. What is it like?

Anonymous said...

C$...I love you! You had me with the "Me thinks..." comment. I can't wait till we go to Amish country next week.

Is Andy amish? Does anyone know?

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU CHRIS HARRISON!!!!!! I am so excited that TWTA is back! I can't wait!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that the girls were all rather patriotic in their choice of clothes when arriving in Hawaii??!!!!
Bev: red and white outfit
Dani: blue and white polka dot dress and red lips
Tessa: red and white outfit with a blue bracelet

So creative and funny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay for the WTA!!!!! Lincee, I'm so glad you have the inside scoop on these things. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon 4:18, I'm thinking Anon 2:40 hit a nerve. Frankly, I think she/he's right on. Live & let live is what I say. It ain't about YOUR beliefs or choices.

You GO 2:40!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!! TWTA is my favorite part of this whole show! And a first for ABC....a TWTA show after the rose ceremony. All nine other TWTA I have always wondered how the F2 girl was doing and how she felt (is that a word?) about the whole thing now that is over and done with. We get to see it ALL this time!!! Yippee!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Reasons Andy's family won't like Bevin:
1. Her tats
2. Her religion
3. Her divorce
4. Her probable lack of a college education. (Her teenage marriage probably took precedence. Her job description sounds pretty clerical.)

Now that they have watched the show, they can add:
5. Her constant crying and whining
6. Her 'milking' of her ankle injury
7. Her neediness
8. Her pushy failure to play fair (Remember her cheating the other girls out of their time with Andy on the group dates?)
9. Her overall lack of class

If he does eliminate her, I can't wait for the limo scene. It should be a classic!!

Anonymous said...


I absolutly love reading your blog. You should seriously consider writing a book. Your humor is a breath of fresh air. Your book would sell... You already have such a large fan base.

I know that i'm going to get blasted, but I find Andy to be pretty cute. He does have a sensitive side and he is goofy the majority of the time. But, he seems sincere in his journey to find the right woman. Okay, the Bachelor? Really? But, he seems more real than most of the guys. I love when he wears those aviator sunglasses.

ABC has launched a chessy season as usual. I don't like Tessa at all. Her hard to get game is ridiculous. I just don't see them as a couple. Bevin isn't necessarily any better but she is head over heels for Andy. I think that this should stand for something. Chemistry is important too...

I also heard the spoiler alert... Maybe, it won't be true.

Can't wait for next week. Ha!

Anonymous said...

I saw Andy on one of the late-night shows (Leno, Letterman, or Conan O'Brien) and he confessed to sleeping with 2 of the girls. None of my business, but since none of any of this is, any ops on whom those mighta been?

Anonymous said...

P.S. And that was 2 of the girls for the entire series of O&G!!

Anonymous said...

My guess would be Amber and Bevin for sleeping with. Or maybe he slept with Tessa that night.

But I would bet that Bevin is at least one of the two.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm so happy we get to watch the WTA! Exciting!
And, finally one after the rose does that mean it was filmed prior to the final rose, or will it be filmed after the show airs next Monday, or will it be LIVE??

Live would be so awesomely amazing. Lincee, will you be there again?

BTW, multiple choice rocks!
Grey's fans remember...Christina says always pick B, B is always right! :)

Oh, and yes, I was stunned to see my long held prediction not come true. How could he toss away Danielle??
However, when my hubby saw Bev and Andy doing their thing under the waterfall he announced that she is Andy's final pick. Hmmm...we shall see.
ABC editors must love their job, they are tricky, tricky, tricky!!

Anonymous said...

Waving hi to Jayhawk!
Hope all the studying paid off! :)

Anonymous said...

Dotty 10:42 - Bevin's job is not at all clerical. Look it up, she is a clinical researcher who previously worked at Stanford...and is working on her master's degree. Don't think education is a problem for her...

Anonymous said...

First, let me say that O&G's cloths have not impressed me. The miami vice jacket on Tessa's date was terrible. To top it all off, he wore some grandfather suit to the rose ceremony--with no tie or belt. I know it's Hawaii, but don't wear a suit with no tie, it's tacky. Sorry, I have a thing for men's clothing--I'm from MS.

I think that Tessa continued to hit the champagne while she was getting ready for dinner. She was a little slurred. Don't get me wrong, I would have been drinking as well if I had to spend an evening with someone that sounds like he's either a robot or reading from cue cards. anyway...

The only cool thing about Dani's date was seeing the dolphins and whales. Other than that, I'm sure someone had to wake the ABC intern when the boat trip was over. As far as the psychic goes, I can't even comment. I fast-forwarded it through the whole painful scene. Thanks Tivo!

Bevin's date. I'm all for being adventerous, but the filthy, snake-infested, drainage ditch that they kayaked through would have sent me over the edge. The four foot waterfall was pretty, jumping off looked fun, but having sex under it?... Not sure about that.

O&G's feminine friend: all I can say is--that was just a waste of everyone's time. Also, makes you wonder if O&G has always been on the same side of the fence.

Lastly, does anyone else out there feel embarrassed for all the parents/grandparents that watch their daughters on the forgo dates?

Anonymous said...

What faith did Bevin tell O&G's parents that she was taught? It was on the teaser for the finale.

Anonymous said...

Bevin graduated on the Dean's list from the University of Washington. Her work experience is quite reputable and she's currently persuing her Master's Degree in Social Work which is interesting given that Tessa is also a Social Worker.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE this site! you are HILARIOUS and I love the different formats you use to recap the shows. I'm a huge bachelor fan, but will admit the show can get too rehearsed and cheesy at times...but that's why we love it isn't it?
I thought Danielle would be in the final 2, and was sad to see her go. I've heard he chooses Bevin, but he does seem to like Tessa, and she is very beautiful. Can't wait for the finale!

Anonymous said...

Where did you all hear that there's going to be a WTA show? Do you know if there will be an after the rose show as well?

Anonymous said...


Are you going to be at TWTA taping? Host Chris, are you going to make this happen? Make sure our girl gets a shout out!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:16 --

Lincee made a new post on Tuesday:

Tuesday night, 7:00 p.m. CST

"I've just received an email from Our Host Chris Harrison confirming that ABC will INDEED air a Women Tell All episode next Tuesday after the final rose on Monday. Andy, the one he chooses, the one he doesn't and all the crazies will be there with bells on. It's going to be wonderfully amazing!"

WHOOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a great recap--Lincee, you're always refreshing with new ideas on the blog. What a riot!

Go, Tessa, Go! Bevin seems to be one of "those girls" (and we all know them) who knows exactly what to say to a boy and exactly how to act around them to get the boy to notice (while not being genuine).

She comes off as this chick who is up for anything and can hang with Andy but I guarantee that once the cameras are off and the show is over, if he's with her, she is completely different from how she's portrayed herself this season (she's really good at playing the game).

I think Tessa, though coy through most of the show, has finally opened up to Andy and is truly in love with him. Guess we'll see next week!

Hooray for Lincee!

PS: Waving back to BFF Jenn. The studying is over for now, so I can resume watching on Monday nights instead of online (thank goodness for and their online shows). Hope all's well in Texas!

Anonymous said...

Did Lincee take down her TWTA post? It wasn't a "new" post, it was just added Tues. at the end of her last recap, but now it's gone.....Lincee, what's up? Please let us know.....

Anonymous said...

Okay, I wish I could erase my post...she moved it to the top of her last was at the bottom, I promise!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone see the TWTA on their guide on their TV? My tivo guide doesn't show anything for next Tue. night??

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 9:17 a.m.--

Yes, from the very start of the Bachelor years ago I have wondered if any of the bachelorettes had parents--or at least parents they cared about shaming in front of all their friends. I can't imagine my poor parents having to hear something like this from their friends: "Betty, I saw your little girl making out in the hot tub with that young man she's known for two weeks. You must be so proud." Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Tuesday 2:40 anon. I think that your dad got his sweet "do you like vs. do you love" from an old James Stewart movie called "Shenandoah". Check it is almost word for word to what you wrote.

Anonymous said...

I looked on tv guide's website and its the Dancing with the Stars finale and then right into Boston Legal....

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice Andy the dork attempt some strange sort of kiss/bite on the side of Bevin's head in the dirty water scene? It was very weird - totally open mouth, but lips pulled over his teeth.

Tracy said...


Anonymous said...

Did you notice that EVERY TIME he had the date read the forgo card, he asked, "So what do you say?"

Anonymous said...

What is ABC doing to us???
We just want a "Women Tell All" episode - - is that too much to ask???!!!!!

Someone said Tessa has a My Space page - - anyone know the exact address of it? Or if any of the other girls have one?

Anonymous said...

andy and tessa are always awkwardly making out though! perhaps it's the camera... however, i hope he doesn't choose bevin.

Anonymous said...

looks fake to me!

Anonymous said...

Guys! I found this article when I Googled "Tessa Horst."

I thought it was interesting so I'll post it here, for you guys to read, too. Enjoy!!

From the Jackson Hole News and Guide (after the first episode aired in April)

Former Jackson waitress makes ‘The Bachelor’
Friends watch Horst, who slung drinks at the Silver Dollar Bar, look for love on ABC’s hit show.

By Katharine Decker
April 4, 2007

A familiar face from Jackson Hole hit prime-time Monday evening during the season premiere of ABC’s latest incarnation of its popular reality TV show “The Bachelor.”

Tessa Horst, 26, who lived in Jackson from January to August 2004, made her debut as one of the 25 female contestants vying for U.S. Navy Lt. Andy Baldwin’s heart on “The Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman.” While she kept her involvement a secret during filming, which wrapped two weeks ago, her friends are not at all surprised.

“That’s so Tessa,” said Lauren Penix, friend and bartender at The Wort Hotel’s Silver Dollar Bar, where Horst worked.

“Oh yeah,” agreed Paul Cockrell, bartender. “She just has the personality where she’d do anyhing like this.”

Horst’s contract states that she cannot discuss the show unless through ABC. However, she informed close friends of the “Bachelor shenanigans” in a group e-mail dated Nov. 15, 2006, asking them to serve as potential references.

“Really craz, and not sure what to think but I’m just going with it for now,” Horst said. “They may ask personal questions so only share PG memories of me..... THanks for your help guys! keep fingers crossed. xoxo tessa”

In the e-mail, she explained that several weeks before, she had met casting agents for “The Bachelor” after running a half-marathon in San Francisco. After making a “ridiculous” video of herself, she was called back for the third round of casting.

But in a phone conversation right before Christmas, Horst told Kara Mercer, a college friend and former Jackson housemate, that she was going to India with her family and therefore could not attend the final interview for the show. After Horst’s trip to India, Mercer learned through mutual friends that she went to South America for a couple of months but was “vague” about her activities there.

“I was thrown off, because I believed that she never went to the final round of interviews,” said Mercer in a phone interview on Tuesday.

Mercer realized she had been harmlessly deceived three weeks ago after receiving another group e-mail from Horst informing friends that she had returned from her trip, but due to confidentiality agreements could not discuss it.

“And then I thought, ‘Oh, she’s totally on,’” Mercer said.

Mercer watched Monday’s episode from her home in Vermont with her boyfriend, Andrew Merrell, and friend Jen Sisemoore, both former Jackson residents and friends of Horst.

“The three of us were just going crazy,” Mercer said. “We’re first of all picking apart every other person saying ‘She’s cheesy, she’s not cool,’ and then Tessa comes out. And then with the muffin joke ... ”

Thinking about it, Mercer was momentarily overtaken with hysterics, recalling how her friend introduced herself with a joke that bombed.

Awkward but endearing
“He totally didn’t get it,” Mercer continued, barely. “She totally didn’t deliver the punch line at all.”

Following their first meeting, the awkwardness continued as Horst walked into the house, getting her dress caught in a bush.

“But I was laughing so hard I missed that,” Mercer said.

While the joke might not have been delivered in true Tessa-form due to nervousness, her initial performance was not a total loss.

“In that nervousness I think she was original and funny,” Mercer said. “I give her props because she just was totally, totally random, and that’s such her personality.”

But Horst’s decision to participate in the show was not random, as she revealed to Baldwin, as well as friends and viewers across the country. Horst said on the show that her parents divorced when she was 14, but her mother found love again unexpectedly during a family trip on the Inca Trail.

“It taught me that maybe I should go out on a limb to find something, so I did this,” Horst said. “I don’t even know, this is, like, so weird for me.”

Friends say that in that scene, Horst’s genuine, down-to-earth nature came through.

“It seemed like she was sharing her real feelings,” said Lauren Amen, Horst’s friend and a kindergarten teacher at Jackson Elementary School. “You could tell she was being herself.”

Baldwin obviously appreciated her honesty, admitting that he felt the same way about being on the show. The segment ended with a shot of them laughing and holding hands, followed by Horst addressing their chemistry in an on-camera interview.

“I feel a connection with Andy because ... I don’t know, I just do,” she said.

Baldwin gave Horst one of the 15 roses of the evening, eliminating 10 of the other contestants. Horst’s friends believe viewers will see much more of her in coming weeks.

“She’s just so fun, outgoing, charismatic and spontaneous ... but when you get to know her she’s really caring and genuine,” Mercer said. “If I were a guy, I would want to date her.”

John Franklin certainly wanted to, although to no avail.

Former beaus offer praise
“I had a crush on Tessa. ... Not only is she very attractive physically, she comes off with an air of confidence and not really caring what other people think,” said Franklin, a former employee of the Four Seasons Resort Jackson Hole and the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. “She’s just very confident with herself, which is a very attractive quality.”

Kyle Brown agrees, which is why he dated Horst in Jackson for several months during the summer of 2004. While he met her playing kickball, he admits that he noticed her twice beforehand in the grocery store and on the running path.

“She just kind of stood out,” said Brown, who occasionally sees Horst in San Francisco where they both live. “She’s got some kind of spice.”

In addition to Horst’s attractive nature, she and Baldwin are also a seemingly compatible pair. They both are humanitarians, adventurous, athletic, well-traveled, well-educated and share a similar philosophy on life.

“Tessa lives by the quote ‘carpe diem,’” said Andrea Mazer, Horst’s friend and administrator for the Jackson Hole Jewish Community. “She definitely seizes the moment.”

That sounds a lot like Baldwin’s philosophies: “Anything is possible, shoot for the stars, go for your dreams,” he said on the premiere episode.

In addition to the similarities of their characters and backgrounds, their record indicates that they might also find one another physically attractive. Horst dated a blond-haired, blue-eyed athlete at Middlebury College, and according to John Tingue, a former Jackson resident and Baldwin’s classmate, Baldwin dated a woman of Asian descent at Duke University.

Finally, Monday’s show concluded with promising indications that Horst is one of the finalists, if not Baldwin’s future wife. In a clip teasing upcoming episodes, Horst and Baldwin were riding horses together on what looked like a “one-on-one dream date.” In addition, during the same montage Mercer and Amen are convinced they recognized Horst’s voice saying through her tears, “I’m falling in love with him, and I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

While viewers will have to find out by tuning in to ABC at 8:30 p.m. on Mondays, one thing is for sure: Even if the bachelor does not fall in love with Horst, America will.

Anonymous said...

Lincee, major kudos to you for early-on predicting that Bevin "would go far."

Not only is she one of the final two girls, she's also behaving in a way that seems to clearly indicate that she's ummm . . . willing to . . . errrr . . . go very far.

Seriously, though - good eye!

Anonymous said...

Everyone, this article is great and I haven't seen it posted yet.

It's an interview with Andy and it reveals some very interesting things about him/the show.

Aside from the fact that he uses the word 'amazing' an alarming number of times (shocking, I know!), it is really good. One thing we learn is that he expects to enlist for one more tour of duty stationed in Hawaii, so it looks his choice WILL be living there for at least what, 4 years?

Here's the site:

Anonymous said...

Note to Self: Find a job that allows outside Internet access so that I don't have to wait until Wed. to read the blog...

Lincee, don't tease with me about a WTA. After Danielle got cut last night, I was going to make it my personal mission to make sure they had one. I really want to know what she says.....

I can't believe that I've read both the post and the comments and NO ONE has mentioned the high school Jansport backpacks that the ABC intern carefully packed to make sure it looked like they were going to really hike instead the 25 feet they actually walked to the dirty water.

Count me as one of those who got fooled by the ABC editing. I was so sure that Bevin had her last whine and cheese party. You're getting much better ABC....

It should be very interesting next week. BTW was it me or did anybody else notice that neither one of the girls seemed that excited about going to PA?

Finally, if Andy is SO conservative, why would he go on the Bachelor? I'm just saying....

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have to say that when Bevin said, "I love being alone in the jungle." I had to laugh, yes Bevin...just you, Andy and a camera crew. (And I am sorry, but you just know she lied about not ever bringing a boy to the Falls, she couldn't look him in the eye when she answered.)

I really was hoping for a little more info Bevin, why didn't your marriage work out? Many of us have been divorced, but it would have been nice to know what she would have done differently. (I would be asking...but maybe her strategy is to distract him with making out to avoid those troublesome questions.) If that is her strategy, it seems to be working.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that on the Tessa date, Andy seems to have some kind of necklace around his neck - so that his shirt does not lay down correctly. Could it be the mystery dog tag???

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have info on Tessa. I heard Andy say that "she is a social worker with kids". Does anyone know who she works for?

Anonymous said...

Check out the Bachelor!

I must say that I have to appreciate his athletic accomplishments.....!!!! Having done an Ironman myself, a time of 9:45 is amazing!

Anonymous said...

My guide also doesn't show TWTA show as coming up. I shows Dancing with the Stars and Boston Legal. I sure hope my channel isn't skipping out on it. Hopefully it will be on

Anonymous said...

About TWTA not being on the Tivo guides. The Tivo has to make the weekly call to update it's guide. Check to see when the call is set to be made, if it is not soon then you can manually make it. It will probally take overnight for all of the info to download but it should update. You may have to do it a couple of times since ABC just announced the show.

Reality TV News Blog said...

My money is on Andy picking Tessa over Bevin.

Anonymous said...

Gotta comment on a couple of the comments here. First, I was named after a book! Well, sort of. My name is Tara and I was named for the plantation in Gone With the Wind. I very narrowly escaped being called Scarlett! Bless my mom's heart.

Second, the water in the river on Kauai isn't "dirty, dirty." It's river water! I paddle on that river and I see it every day on my way to work. Trust me...after a big rain when all the stuff on the bottom gets churned up...THEN it looks dirty! The green water they showed on The Bachelor is just regular ol' river water. Not a big deal and no whale poop in it!

Aloha :)

Anonymous said...

After a few too many drinks one of final three Bachelor contestants accidentally spilled the beans about winning Andy Baldwin's heart. Wow, violating that confidentiality agreement is definitely going to cost her a pretty penny! - Page Six

I won't spoil it and tell who they say it is...but apparently she turns down the proposal.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one thinking Gatsby was gay?

Really, really gay?

Could that explain Andy's cringe-inducing kisses to the girls and very waxed chest?

I mean, of all the pseudonyms, he picked "Gatsby?"

Anonymous said...

The Sports Gal is almost as funny as Lincee. Almost.

The best line:
"Andy took Bevin kayaking and told the cameras, "I feel electricity in my soul when I'm with Bevin, she has this energy about her which is amazing and unlike anything I've ever felt before." It's called insanity, Andy. We also noticed that Bevin has a shoulder tattoo and a lower-back tattoo. I can't defend the lower-back tattoo nor will I try. But if you think Andy the uptight, goody-two-shoes Navy officer from Amish country is marrying a divorced girl with a giant lower-back tattoo, then you're either drinking the Bevin Kool-Aid or you're nuttier than she is. When they started getting it on underneath a giant waterfall, we wondered if they had sex right then and there. Bill argued that it didn't happen because "Bevin is definitely the type of girl who sobs after sex, so we would have seen her crying." Hmm. Either way, they ended up in the Fantasy Suite and probably did it there."

Anonymous said...

"andy" and "gasby" last weekend!

Anonymous said...

guess what !! the secret is ... if you check gatsby's myspace page, he has a girlfriend,(shoot) - I actually think he is super cute!

what is abc's fault in their "reality" is the fact that it is strange is that they had two guys talking about relationships without burping or swearing.

Anonymous said...

USA Today - Thursday May 17

'Bachelor' kicks 'Dancing,' 'Boston' back:

ABC is doing some fancy finale footwork. On Tuesday, the network is adding The Bachelor: After the Final Rose at 8 pm ET/PT. That pushes the conclusion of Dancing w/Stars to 9-11 ET/PT - away from American Idol (Fox 8-9 ET/PT). As a result, the Boston Legal finale will be May 29 (10 ET/PT).

It's definitely official!

Brandi Wheeless said...

Here is my shout out to you, Lincee!! :-) I enjoyed lunch yesterday!!!

I'll have to watch Monday's show on-line and get caught up. Glad to know there will be a women tell all. Really - what's the point of watching the Bachelor if you don't get that closure!

Anonymous said...

You know, in the past, I adopted Lincee's "catch phrase" of "bless her heart." I've found on this season, I seem to be saying a lot of "bless HIS heart." I'm not sure what to think about that!

Jenny said...

I know that Andy has "electricity" or whatever with Bevin, but I just can't see him choosing her over Tessa. Andy wants a steady wife and Bevin is too emotional and wacky. He'll go with Tessa. Hands down.

Anonymous said...

Ok it's the same old story....of course he is most electrically attracted to the skanky tatoo slut. However that is the kind of girl you have sex with in a kayak or under a waterfall, not the type you take home to mommy and certainly NOT the kind you MARRY! As usual men aren't thinking with their brains...

Anonymous said...

ABC I beg you....

Please no more skanky guys. Supposedly Andy (who goes by that anymore?) kissed and told on a talk show that he had slept with two of the girls. What a skank. Is that the best you can do? Come on their are tons of nice, intelligent, hot guys out there who are also gentleman, and you have to pick a skank. A skank who can't kiss. Yuck. Come on ABC find a renaissance man, I know you can do it. Your interns need summer jobs.

And please I beg of you do away with the forgo cards. It is so painful to watch. I cringe for the girls and their families. Just let the date come to it's natural conclusion. It would be so much classier and cooler that way. It would also be so much more respectful not only of the girls but of the bachelor and all their families.

Interview their parents. Ask them what their sons finest qualities are. That's where I'd start. Background checks people.

Anonymous said...

did you happen to notice Danielle's pink Member's Only jacket w/ her dress? I thought you would FOR SURE address that!!!! I Love your posts, I laugh every time!

Anonymous said...

Andy's Ironman sponsors have maintained a website on him for years. It's (natch!)

I read his journal from his trip to Laos - - if it's genuinely how he feels, it's cool to see the sincerity. I want to like and believe the guy . . .

The site is interesting to read, though. He and Gatsby (real name: Mitch Thrower) seem to be REALLY tight. Make of that what you will. There is a link to Mitch's blog on Andy's site (at the end of his Laos journal entry).

One of the articles on the right hand side of the list, at the top of the andybaldwin page is good - - it talks about the night of the final shoot of The Bachelor, when cast and crew had their 'wrap-party.' Andy was there, of course, and helped a man who had fallen on the dance floor and badly injured his head.



Anonymous said...

What do you mean, "Who goes by that (Andy) anymore?"

What's wrong with the name Andy?? I prefer that over "Andrew."

Renee said...

Your blog is the only reason I am still watching this show. WooHoo for Women Tell All airing afterall!

Anonymous said...

Lincee - I had all the same thoughts about Bevin and Andy in that Nasty water! The penis fish was def first in my mind followed by the massive tramp stamp. What was she thinking - "mmm huge tats on my back are sexy?!?!"

Anonymous said...

Randy Andy... comes to mind. Andy from WKRP in Cincinnati. It just seems dates. I just don't like the name. I like Andrew or Drew better. Gay guys like Andy better I think.

Anonymous said...

Lincee, start writing your book. No holding're hilarious. I really hope you get to go to the girls tell all!

Anonymous said...

I just found this site that explains how the airing of WTA will be shown... Looks like they are changing the line up to accomodate it! YEA! Set your TIVO's! I'm so glad I come back on Fri. to read all the comments, I learn a lot!

Ms. Terry said...

"Great Gatsby"...funniest thing ever!

Ms. Terry said...

"Great Gatsby"...funniest observation ever!

Anonymous said...

Ok Lincee, We still have not heard if you are going to be at The Women Tell All?????

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Amber is posting some kinda flirty comments on Dr. Travis Stork's myspace page.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm a little confused... I just read the article that was posted by anon 9:54 and it says there will NOT be a WTA...

"The Bachelor: Officer and a Gentleman's special will mark the first time since ABC's Spring 2005 broadcast of The Bachelorette's third season that a The Bachelor or The Bachelorette edition will end with the broadcast of an After the Final Rose special (still missing from Officer and a Gentleman's season will be a The Women Tell All ousted bachelorette reunion special, another former franchise staple that used to proceed each edition's season finale). "

Am I reading that wrong? It says "still missing" - it's a final rose show - not a women tell all. I'm so bummed. I thought maybe they were combining both. That would have been something to watch!!

I also read this article and thought it was interesting - it says he proposed and she says YES!

Anonymous said...

The creepiest thing about "Andy" (and there are many) was how he had the same level of affection for all three women. It destroyed any credibility he had. And does anyone else think he has the body of a gay model and not a triathlete?

Anonymous said...

I just now watched my DVRed episode. I didn't want to read the recap until I knew who was leaving.

My thoughts, I haven't read all of the comments, so I'll probably repeat what 50 people have already said:

- I too was shocked that it was Dani and not Bevin.

- I noticed Dani grabbing her boobs when she jumped in. She was probably holding onto her top so it wouldn't go up. I've done that.

- Hated how Bevin swung her head when she came out of the water. Very guy-like...girls don't do that. I kept wanting her to come up out of the water like a normal girl, kinda like Phoebe Cates in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, or Denise Richards in Wild Things.

- Where were Andy and Bev's cute little gender appropriate blue and pink backpacks when they were on the kayak?

- If heard Dani say she suffered "the ultimate loss" one more time I was gonna scream. Losing your boyfriend is a loss and is very sad, but the "ULTIMATE" loss? I can certainly think of worse.

- I love Tessa and hope she gets the final rose. Andy acts totally different around her and always has. I think that says a lot.

- I'm never waiting this long to watch the show and/or read the recap again!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and has anyone else noticed that Andy says 'wunnerful' instead of wonderful.

Maybe it's all the alcohol.

Anonymous said...

That water was DIRTY, DIRTY, DIRTY!

I saw particles and muck swirling around while they were KISSING underwater, amongst all that crud.


Anonymous said...

I think some creative edits have been done to downplay Tessa's athletic side. She does marathons, and was training for a triathalon (or planning to).

I notice that when Tessa and Andy are together they use each other's expressions. She says like, he says like, he says amazing, she says amazing. This is a classic sign of rapport. Rapport signals trust and responsiveness. Best friends will use each other's expressions - and so do people that are sharing a connection - love. They also have barely mentioned Tessa's work. Isn't she a social worker that works with kids? Instead all the edits have focussed on her worries about the process...hmmm.

Bevin has tapped into Andy's ego, (Wow, she's really into me!)with physical affection. That can be powerful. The make out session got a little carried away at the waterfall and that is why Bevin said what she did about the fantasy suite, she was attempting to pull back.

I think Tessa is the one.

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